I just got robbed of the "Battle Angel" title
I got in an Infantry Breakthrough game and since I got Stadium which is a very close quarters map I decided to farm for the 3000 heal part of the title since I already had all the others.
80% through the game of just spamming syringes I got the "Doctor Falck in the house" achievement.
At the end of the game I finished around 3520 heal ifrc, just the achievement alone proves I got more than 3k healing in a single round, then I checked the titles, everything was filled up but I couldnt equip it.
I thought it was just a lil progression bug and restarted the game, only to find out that my healing in a round is back to 0, I took a lot of games to farm this title since you basically need a long game on a perfect map to get it.
This tilted me quite a fkin lot.