Any reason KB and mouse is not supported on consoles? Fortnite and COD MW/Warzone 2 have perfect support. Really hurt their sales didn't it? 🙂
Out of 3, BF is the one I want to play the most atm. But struggle with aiming and especially vehicle control on the controller.
I haven't played BF since 1942 like 20 years ago. I'm 37 now and having a blast playing BF 2042. I guess launch wasn't that great thus the bad reviews, but I'm in awe from the scale, the graphical fidelity and especially the sound design, which is breathtaking! (with a home cinema setup). It's like I'm there. I could easily see myself spending lots of time in this game, after having spent dozens of hours and $200+ on Fortnite (PS5) last year.
Please add KB and mouse support. Activision and Ubisoft did it, I'm not sure why EA doesn't want to.