Please Help a new content creator.
As the title says, i am new to making Battlefield content. i do though have many years exp playing every title the franchise has ever made. i truly LOVE Battle field. At the start of BF2042 i started a clan called HARM and most if not all members pushed me to start streaming/content production. So here i am, learning, editing and working my way through social media, Sadly i have run into a problem with Battlefield 2042 portal on xbox one platform that i have been using daily to make awesome content for the community. A error message keeps popping up every time i try joining saying "ROLE NOT ALLOWED" then a bunch of numbers.. the message goes by to fast for me to get the numbers sorry. Then when i try to take down the server i get a "AN UNDIFINED ERROR OCCURRED' and have tried restarting my xbox a few times. Please help i have found a new passion to share my pov of battlefield to the world. Also with everything T1 in the game i really enjoy making content about the game i love!! i might loose my number one spot for most wins all platforms being a content creator, it's worth it though. So if anyone could please help me in this situation it would really mean the world to me. Thanks for your time.