Forum Discussion
WARNING PLAYERS!!!! I got this email from EA, blocking access to Battlefield. I HAVE NEVER CHEATED! Help @AntiCheatWard, @l4sof1 ! Please!!
Installing and deleting files must cheater activity. I have only followed actions taken by others in this thread. I also noted my attempts. This is rubbing salt in an open wound!
Hey there,
The AnswersHQ forums aren't the right venue to contest your ban. Please submit a ticket for the Terms of Service team to review. You can start here:
For everyone else, the steps you've been following so far have not triggered any detections within EA anticheat that would result in your account being at risk, I've taken the time to review your data and didn't see anything concerning.
I still can't find a commonality that would explain why this is happening. The teams we're talking to are also stumped, but we're trying to gather more data, it's just a little slow as several folks are hopefully enjoying their summer vacation so it takes a bit to get routed to the right people.
Hang tight, and apologies for the difficulty thus far.
- 8 months ago
I've been having the same issue as the other people in this thread (haven't been able to play for over a year) and i've attempted every single fix posted in this thread and more, if theres any sort of data or anything of the like that I can provide that will possibly help resolve this issue for us please let me know. Thanks for still trying to help after all this time.
let me know 👍 - 8 months ago
I also have been having this issue for several years. Both with 2042 and BFV. It started with BFV before the pacific theatre update
- 8 months ago@AntiCheatWard Thanks for your help! I will simply wait out the ban at this point (still don't know what I did if deleting folders and installing anti-cheat is not the cause), but I am very concerned about being able to play after the ban is lifted. I am also willing to share my computer configuration if it will help. Just ask...
Cheers, - 8 months ago
Maybe inform those guys too
As well as the thousands of other customers this is probably affecting.
- 8 months ago
Fresh install on a Windows 11 machine, 0 issues.
On Windows 10, the same issue: "Unable to connect" after 5 to 6 minutes of gameplay, then "Unable to connect" every few minutes even in the menus.
Any updates on this?
- 8 months ago
Apparently my issue was fixed by closing my VPN, which I only had a select few programs run through. I have no idea why that would've affected it since none of my games go through it, and the issue started before I ever even used a VPN. Hopefully this helps a few others
- 8 months ago
And here i am on win 11 and not using any form of VPN or anything like that.... strange
- 8 months ago
this started for me about two weeks ago. same error code the thread is about. Every now and then when I try to play it works fine and I can play as long as I stay on.
- 8 months ago
i installed the new update and was amazed to get in first try last night. I did notice some pretty horrible lag and a stuttering at first but, eventually cleared up. Crossing my fingers I can get into a server again today! 🤞🏻. Maybe the update fixed a lot of issues and bugs for most if not all of us!
- 8 months ago
Your comment gave me hope but unfortunately after updating i still get kicked with same message after 5 min of play.. So it did not fix the issue for all.
- 8 months ago
Sorry bro, I do know your pain thought! Try going back a page or two and try deleting all the anti-cheat stuff, all the stuff in your profile %temp% folder, do a reboot, try running the game from the EA app, let it reinstall the AC an go from there. Might possible help….. I’m sending good computer vibes your way 🫵🏻😉💪🏻
- 8 months ago
Same here, still the same issue. ☹️
- AntiCheatWard8 months agoSeasoned Scout
Can I get a full MSInfo from anyone still having issues? I'd want to see the full file, not just the hardware components someone submitted earlier.
It needs to include components (particularly the Network section) and software environment.
It would probably be best if you submit those to me directly via DM just in case any user information is included.
This is trying to find a needle in a haystack with no idea where the haystack even is. We've been unable to reproduce this across hundreds of machines at EA with different hardware and software configuration in different countries altogether and with or without software VPN there was no issue.
We're also working with teams here at EA to see if we can get more debugging information written from the EA app that might be helpful for us as we investigate, but so far have found no specific clues as to why this issue would happen accidentally. All signs point to firewall or networking blocks in place, and many of you verbally confirmed you checked for that earlier.
- 7 months ago
i can provide you with mine, i have the same issue.
- 7 months ago
Have a look to my anticheat version
- 7 months ago
if it was firewall or networking blocks, why have I (rarely) been able to join a game and stay on? There was an instance where I got kicked earlier in the day and just for the heck of it tried to get on in the early evening and was able to play. Of course when I tried the next morning it was back to getting kicked. When I am able to join a game I can continue playing (including transitioning to a new map) as long as I stay on.
- 7 months ago@AntiCheatWard Sent full MSInfo via DM.
- 7 months ago
I sented my full MSinfo via DM .
- 6 months ago
I also haven't been able to play bf2042 game for a while now. Installed it today again, the first time I entered the game it wirked just fine, but every other time I tried to play it I got disconected. Did you guys find any fix for the problem?
- 6 months ago
@AntiCheatWardany news regarding the issue?
- 5 months ago
Hello @AntiCheatWard, i think i found the problem for the disconnecting issue that EA anticheat is detecting. Where can i dm you or you can dm me, so i can share you a proof in a video format that ID card reader is the problem which gets you disconnected while playing a game.
- 5 months ago
OMG unbelievable! BRAVO man! I had ID and healt card reader software installed on my system. Unistalled both and now everything works as it should.
- 5 months ago
Glad to help bro i am really really glad :D
- AntiCheatWard5 months agoSeasoned Scout@milosfps_ You can DM me here, please send me additional information so I can dig into it, thanks!
- 5 months ago
Hello @AntiCheatWard thank you for reaching out. This is the link from official Serbian ID card reader: I am not an expert to those kind of things but 100% its that thing that causes issues with the anticheat. Game is working fine without that program, but alot of people for example my friend needs that program for work and the game i tested it for my self, after 5-10 min of play time game is automatically disconnecting you and it says check your internet connection.
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