Battlefield 1 Ui update is glitched and I have no idea what to do.
For the past week, I have been trying to play battlefield 1 without the in game Ui update breaking completely as it will be fine until it reaches 97%. When it reaches 97% it completely stops for hours and if I quit game and retry it will get stuck at 50% instead over and over again until I delete and reinstall where it gets stuck at 97% again. I’m on ps5 so I have tried clearing all saved data, resetting my console, and have deleted the game several times and reinstalled it over and over again. I also got battlefield 4 and it works perfectly fine with no problems. I decided to try to go to the battlefield 1 section in the in game ui of battlefield 4 where I can press quick play or press on a server I would like to play. Whenever it brings me over to battlefield 1 however, it goes into the infinite download ui update issue again. Last night however, the update problem didn’t even appear when I randomly loaded the game out of boredom. I got about 7 minutes of game time until it ultimately kicked me out the game and popped up that horrible UI update screen that goes on infinitely. I have no idea what to do in this situation as this seems to have happened to very few people. Many have just adjusted origin settings because they’re on PC however I am on ps5 with no other people who are experiencing this problem. I am hoping there is somehow someone who knows how to fix this .