Forum Discussion
Maybe the guy up above is right... I cannot see my stats here: Maybe they screwed our accounts? Think everybody should try. And if someone can play, please try this link and report if there's any error.
^ ^ ^ tryed your link
"Sorry, an error occurred while trying to fetch this player's stats. Please try again later."
Think you might be on to something. its been a week now and the forums are blowing up. I just hope someone at EA takes notice >.>
- EA_Nils12 years ago
Community Admin
Note: This post had been temporarily marked as solution with the sole purpose of increasing its visibility. The issue has not been resolved and we are still investigating.
Heya everyone,
Thank you all for your reports, the issue is currently being investigated. We will update you as soon as we receive new information about the issue.
Thank you for your patience.
- Anonymous12 years ago
thank you 2 , that some one finally respond from ea , and my gamertag is not m1stergold , it's M1STER GOLD , also if i lose my score i wil freak out , i played this game 18days 5hours and 41minutes to have a score of 824186 , and im not going to do this all over again , i should be in the top 1000 about now for a long time , also my xbox live gold expires 11th day - 6th month - 2013 , and if this problem stil isnt solved i dont gonna buy a new xbox live gold card , wich makes this a microsoft problem 2
and i dont really need , but it would be nice if we all get 100000 score bonus for waiting :P
btw i cant login to this site , and 3 days back i could stil do this
- 12 years ago
- Anonymous12 years ago answer after 8 DAYS!!!!!!
- Anonymous12 years ago
its been a few months since this was posted have you sussed it out yet
- Anonymous12 years ago
i want 1000000 toooo
- 12 years ago
i am having this proble for a week now and i want it to be fix soon please send me a email when it is fix ty
- Anonymous12 years ago
battlefield is stuck everytime i go to log on my battlefield goes back to the last time someone ask me to join a game with them so could you please fix this as i would like to play live again
- Anonymous12 years ago
Please let us know when this issue has been fix
- Anonymous12 years ago
I think this is not very good that it has been marked as FIXED (Note: This post has been temporarily marked as solution with the sole purpose of increasing its visibility. The issue has not been resolved and we are still investigating.) as wouldn't this slow down the actual REAL fixing of the problem? I am getting fed up with the lack of support we as customers are getting! I think it would get more visibility without a solution or is that how EA works now?
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