Battlefield 3 fixes guide (read carefully)
Battlefield 3 fixes guide (read carefully)
I see that a lot of ppl are still having issues with the game (crashes, rubberbanding, disconnections etc etc). I resolved most of my problem, now the game is stable and i only get disconnected if the whole server that i'm playing in, crash, or if an admin log in with a reserved slot 🙂.
Here's a complete and detailed list with things you can try in order to completely fix your battlefield:
Problem 1:
The game ALWAYS crash after 2-5 minutes/pc reboot itself after 2-5 minutes.
-Reboot your computer, open the bios (by spamming del on your keyboard)
-Get to the motherboard configuration-north bridge configuration
-Disable HD audio. if it's enabled, you simply press + till it says is disabled. (Gigabyte users should look for "Azalia Codec")
-Save changes and exit
by doing this, your PC audio will be completely disabled unless you have an audio card or an USB headset or something similiar (usb).
To re-enable audio, simply get back to the settings and enable HD audio again.
Problem 2:
The game crash randomly after about 15/20 minutes.
-Press start (or the windows logo)
-Type in the searchbar "cmd" without the "
-Press enter
-a command windows should open up. write "bcdedit /set increaseUserVa 3072" without the "
-Press enter
Case 1: operation concluded succesfully (or a similiar message)
-reboot PC
Case 2: you are not allowed to do that (or a similiar message)
-Press start again
-Click "all programs"
-Click "accessories"
-RIGHT click "command prompt" and click "Run As Admin"
-Type in the command windows "bcdedit /set increaseUserVa 3072" as always without the "
This will fix the problem, wich is caused by memory leak
Problem 3:
Get disconnected very often without a reason.
Solution 1:
-Download PBsetup from here: []
-Extract the files in a folder
-Run PBSETUP.exe
-Click "add a game"
-Select "Battlefield 3". The path of the game should be detected automatically, if not, point it to the right path.
-Click check for updates
-Once the downloads are over, you'll get a message "battlefield 3 is up to date" or similiar. you may now close the application.
Solution 2
-Click on the windows logo/start button
-In the searchbar, type services.msc
-Press ENTER
-A list of services should now be in front of you.
-Click "extended" tab
-Search for "UPnP host devices" or something similiar (the description is something like: Allow hosting of UPnP devices blablabla)
-Right click it
-Click Properties
-I don't know how to translate this, but there is an option like "startup", in the general tab. You can choose between: Automatic (delayed startup), Automatic, Manually, Disabled. You must choose Disabled.
-Click on "stop service"
-Click "apply" and close that little windows.
-Search for "SSPD discovery" and do the same things that you did above.
-Close everything
Solution 3
-Open chrome/IE/firefox
-Type in the adress bar and press enter. if nothing work with that IP, try with one of these:,, With one of these IPs you should be able to open up your router's page.
-Log into the router panel (username is usually "admin" or "administrator", aswell as the password)
-Once you are in, you should search for an option called UPnP, and disable it. it might be somewhere in the advanced options, i really can't help you with this one because it's not on my router, and every router it's different, so you might or might not have it.
In case you still have the problem...well...go to the nearest churc and turn on a candle, then prey for a bit.
Problem 4:
EXTREME rubberbanding, mostly in Caspian Borders, Teheran Highway and Grand Bazhaar.
what's rubberbanding? []
-Reboot your computer
-Spam DEL till you open the biones panel again
-Search for advanced options
-CPU configuration
-Look for an option named "HTT" or "Hyper Treading" or "Hyper Treading Technology" and press + till it's disabled.
-Save and exit
I know this might look strange, but it fixed me, and 5 other friends, the rubberbanding issue.
You will still notice some rubberbanding if the server is lagging.
UPDATE: you may try to disable True Core Scalability, if it's possible to do so, and see if it changes anything. This is not tested, and defenetly not sure if working or not, so be sure you can revert the change before doing it
Problem 5:
The screen goes black and the game crashes everytime i try to join a server
This happened me yesterday too, basically i was playing CQ64 on metro, and the game crashed (probably god punishment or karma :P). After that, i tried to rejoin on metro like 5/6 times, everytime the game was not loading at all, and eventually crashing during the map loading:
Solution 1:
-Join a server with a different map, this will eventually restore the whole game (worked for me)
Solution 2:
-Run a repair from Origin (right click battlefield 3 on origin, and click reapair)
Solution 3:
-Open your documents folder
-Click on the settings folder
-Backup these 4 files somewhere (on the desktop, for example)
-Delete evertything inside the folder.
-Start the game
This will restore the default bf3 settings...and it might fix your problem
Last hope solution:
-Repair the game from origin
-Update your Video drivers
-Update your motherboard drivers
-Update Bios
-Delete Battlefield 3 folder from documents
Problem 8:
If your Battlefield 3 client aren't updating on your Origin please do the following:
You must do it with origin closed. on this exactly folder:
C:/Program Files/Origin Games/Battlefield 3/Support/EA Help/en-us
(If you changed the default Origin install folders, you will have to find it yourself.)
and delete this file:
After doing that, open your Origin and it should start updating or repairing install. After the repair is complete your game will start updating, if not try clicking on
the gear up there and clicking "Refresh My Games" or right clicking on Battlefield 3 and "Check for Updates"
Thanks to Ketchupzz for this fix.
There is NO memory leak in BF3. None.
DO NOT use BCDEDIT if you have a 64 bit operating system! It will make your problems worse.
Public forums are one thing, this section should have a level of requirement to respond, so people with 0 technical ability & 0 clue about anything apart from habitually replying with utter rubbish to every post they see, don't cause more problems for people & their expensive hardware.
You're a grown man, you should be able to recognise when you don't know what you're doing or talking about.
Spreading mis-information & wasting people's time, effort, & in some cases money isn't helpful to anyone.
If you can't actually help solve an issue Nooberis, you should stay out of it.
If he can't tell you what it does & why you should do it, then don't.
we are here to help not to fight just do what are u good at and it will be okay🙂
- Anonymous13 years ago
I deleted two posts from this topic. Please respond to this topic if you have constructive critique to this workarounds, something to add, questions about those steps or if this guide helped you. This is not a place for general discussions, please keep in mind that critique need to be constructive.
For RubberBanding Its also A common error "apparently" hat the sound card can mess up you connection, so if your having extreme rubberbanding then go to system devices and disable all sound devices, reboot and see how the rubberbanding is, if its gone then search Google for: bf3 rubber banding network throttling .. And you should find full instructions on how to have sound and play without feeling like Mr. fantastic rubberbanding all over the place.
*****an update*****
Black Screen ? This is a DirectX11 problem, turn it off, and you will be able to play again.
1) Create a text file inside your BF3 dir user.txt and type RenderDevice.Dx11Enable off
2) Close it
3) Rename it to user.cfg
No more black screen bug between maps.
do not know if it works, is an old fix. saw in the forum somewhere
if you make for it at your own risk
Stuck on Joining Server / Long map load times:
Cause: Bug with x64 OS
press start write Run regedit.
Change the GDFBinary & InstallDir paths to C😕mileytongue:rogram Files (x86)Origin GamesBattlefield 3
also found this:
FYI - Possible Fix for some with 64-bit Win7 and new BF3 Patch***
My brother recently downloaded the patch and he would play perfectly fine before, and now it freezes every time he tried to load a game (loading black screen) then takes him back to the battlelog.
I just disabled UPnP in the setting for his router and it worked immediately after that.
So for those with mostly Linksys routers.
Open up your internet browser
username: (default username is left blank)
password: (default pw is admin)
Administration tab> Disable UPnP
Done. Let me know if this works for some.
1. Launch Origin.
2. Select, "Origin."
3. Select, "Application Settings."
4. Select, "In Game" tab.
5. Uncheck, "Enable Origin In Game."
Sometimes, this option will lock up the game when loading. Wouldn't hurt to try. This has fixed some of my loading / freeze up issues.******some updates*******
Tweaks & Fixes Index:
1 - Network / Connection Issues.
2 - Gameplay Tweaks. (BF3 weapons database included in this section)
3 - Game Crash / Install / Stability Issues. (Many fixes for crashes / lockups have been found)
4 - Frame Rate & Performance.
5 - Punkbuster & Kick Issues.
6 - Server Tweaks & Fixes for Admins.
7 - November 22 Patch Issues & Fixes.
1: Network Tweaks / Connection Issues.
Fix Disconnections: (Disconnections immediate or every 10-20 mins)
UPnP - Router:
1. Log into your modem / router.
2. Turn OFF UPNP.
Turn off PC UPnP Service:
1. Press: Windows-button (the one between lAlt and lCtrl) + R, a window should pop up.
2. Write: "services.msc" (without the ") then press enter.
3. In the list of services, scroll down to "UPnP Device Host", click it and press "Stop service".
4. Now do the same thing but with the service "SSDP Discovery".
5. Exit the window and go to control panel-> Network and Internet-> Network and Sharing Centre-> Change advanced sharing settings (to the left)-> Under "network discovery" select to turn off network discovery
Firewall Blocking / etc
- Boot MSconfig in start. Disable your Firewall and Anti Virus if its a windows based one. Disable any other process there that might affect you and reboot.
-If game works fine. This means there is some issue with your firewall or Anti virus setup.
ECN Packets has been enabled by a Net Speed Tool
To fix this :
1. open a CMD prompt AS ADMINISTRATOR
2. type "netsh"
3. type "int tcp set global ecncapability=disabled"
ECN packets are Refused by EA. These are FAKE packets to fool the connection.
Set BF3 PC in DMZ on your router.
-Note will expose the computer, and the PC will not be protected by the routers firewall.
-Make sure you have your windows firewall enabled.
-This should be a "last resort" measure.
How to play BF3 with multiple PCs on a LAN with UPnP disabled ?
*Credit goes to P1nchedNerve
(Just a note, I didnt think you could do this with origin like you can with steam, but apparently you can!)
eg) Edit each computers BF3 executable to include the " -port XXXXX" (as long as each PC uses a different port)
Computer A = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3\bf3.exe -port 10000"
Computer B = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3\bf3.exe -port 10001"
Computer C = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3\bf3.exe" -port 10002"
Stuck on Joining Server / Long map load times:
Cause: Bug with x64 OS
Fix: Open / Run regedit.
Change the GDFBinary & InstallDir paths to C:Program Files (x86)Origin GamesBattlefield 3
Try to launch the game and join game servers, and it should work.
Battlefield 3 Ports: (may help connection issues)
-If you need help with making exceptions on your firewall(s). Consult the manufacturer.
-If you need help with portforwarding. Please visit
If you have problems or other issues portforwarding, contact your router manufacturer.
PC Ports:
TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 20000-20100, 22990, 17502, 42127
UDP: 3659, 14000-14016, 22990-23006, 25200-25300
PS3 Ports:
TCP: 80, 443, 9988, 10000-10100, 17502, 42127
UDP: 3659, 14000-14016
Xbox 360 Ports:
TCP: 53, 88, 3074
UDP: 53, 88, 3074
Servers Lag:
-Either caused by EA or hosting datacenter. No fix currently.
Update: Developers are working on the issue.
Cause: A few players are experiencing this. It is a server related issue. There is no fix.
Have to wait for the developers...
2: Gameplay Tweaks.
Contrast & Lighting too bright !!!!
Fix: Open PROF_SAVE_profile in notepad++
\Documents\Battlefield 3\settings\PROF_SAVE_profile
Change: GstRender.Contrast 0.500000
*Lower the setting to whatever feels right.
Mouse is lagging:
Fix: Turn Origin Off in game.
Settings > In Game > Enable Origin In Game.
Sluggish / Unresponsive Mouse:
1. Go here: C:\Users\YOU\Documents\Battlefield 3\settings
2. Open PROF_SAVE_profile with notepad++ (can download for free)
3. Change the following variables:
GstInput.MouseSensitivity 0.050000
1st one is the normal mouse sens. USE whatever you like, or keep it the way it is.
These can be edited and it may solve the problem.
GstInput.Scheme0Sensitivity 0.000000
GstInput.Scheme1Sensitivity 0.000000
GstInput.Scheme2Sensitivity 0.000000
Battlefield 3 Weapons Database:
-We are unsure of its validity, but if correct, it may be incredibly useful for players. []
How can I play Battlefield 3 using my Steam overlay?
- Disable Origin's overlay (click the gear/cog and go to the "in game" settings tab).
- In Steam, add Origin.exe as a non-steam game to your library.
- Launch the Origin shortcut from your Steam library, then launch BF3.
Long Map Load Times ?
-Is affecting many users, even those with HDDs in raid 0.
Open / Run: regedit.
Change the GDFBinary & InstallDir paths to C:Program Files (x86)Origin GamesBattlefield 3
Try to launch the game and join game servers, and it should work.
Alternate Fix: Buy a SSD drive, install BF3 & origin on there.
3: Game Crash / Install / Stability Issues.
Realtek Audio Bug:
1) Rigth Click on the Speaker icon.
2) Right click "Speakers" and select properties.
3) Advanced tab (far right)
4) Uncheck "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device".
BF3 PC Lockup / Freeze - with looping audio:
Cause: BF3 bug with onboard (motherboard) audio.
Fix: Install a separate soundcard & use that. Disable onboard audio in BIOS.
*Note users on EA UK forums have had success with Creative X-FI cards. (No game freezes)
Nvidia 560/570 Freezing / Graphics Issues Fix:
1) Update to LATEST Nvidia Drivers
2) Turn OFF - AA - DEFERED
3) Turn OFF - VSYNC
4) Turn OFF - Motion Blur
Nvidia 560 Ti Lockup / Freeze:
1.Go to your card manufacturers website. (E.g. Gigabyte, MSI, Asus etc)
2.Select your card type (E.g. GTX 560Ti)
3.Download the latest BIOS for the card
4.Flash it (Install, it's usually an .exe file)
5.Reboot (Most will prompt you to do it automatically)
6.Frag away.
AMD/ATI 6770m Game Crash with BF3 still running in background (possibly other AMD gfx cards too)
-Load up single player.
-Under options disable Anti Aliasing ( AA deferred )
*Best to disable AA post as well.
-Download the LATEST drivers from your laptops manufacturers site.
-Save & exit.
-Multiplayer should now work. The game shouldnt crash to desktop.
*Can confirm this works as It was discovered while trying to solve the issue with a laptop running BF3.
ASUS G73 Radeon HD58XX Users:
Source: []
I found the solution for the problem with G73 from ASUS with ATI RADEON HD5series.
In fact you need to get a proper drivers from ASUS web site and not from AMD ....
Flash you graphics with "93vBIOSa.rar" .... find it on google.
Then deinstall ATI CATALYST preview install. CCLEANER DRIVER SWEEPER.
Install this release of CATALYST. []
And for info.. []
Graphics Cards Crashing:
-This is common with graphics cards that are factory overclocked or have been overclocked by the user.
-Simple fix is to turn down the MHz (underclock).
*Estimate 40-100 MHz.
-Try turning the frequency down, until you hit a setting where the game runs nicely without lockups/crashes.
ASUS Cards - End of round crash issue:
-All credit to MrPaulieC!/bf3/forum/threadview/2832654624702875874/ []
PROBLEM: Crashing at the end of every round (BF3.exe has stopped working) just before the scores come up and not being able to play single player.
SOLUTION: If you own an ASUS card (ATi or NV) and you installed the 'Smart Doctor' and/or 'ASUS Gamer' software then this is what's VERY likely causing you end of round crashes. All you need to do is uninstall Smart Doctor and ASUS Gamer, restart your computer and reinstall your video card drivers - that's it!!!
New Graphics Settings Not Displaying After Change ?
Press the Windows Key to force the game to Window Mode, click on the game window to go back into the game. New settings should now be applied.
If this doesnt work. Try exiting the game and starting it again.- Anonymous13 years ago
After dealing with these fixes for almost two days now, my BF3 unsmoothly runs for almost 2 seconds before gettin a crash! Compared to what it did when I tried it for the first time without any modifications, then I could play maybe 1-2 maps before I got BSOD.
So what have I tried?
After i unabled HD audio i started gettin error messages insted of BSOD.
error1 error2 (PICTURES)So I thought there most be something with the memory so I tried the /bcdedit thingy. No help there.
Graphic drivers are the latest. Could double check the MSi motherboards drivers but I doubt thats the problem.
Had this game for 5 moths now and I finally got a new computer. The only diffrens now is that all my other games are working better...
Hopefully can someone bring some feedback.
@fjork wrote:After dealing with these fixes for almost two days now, my BF3 unsmoothly runs for almost 2 seconds before gettin a crash! Compared to what it did when I tried it for the first time without any modifications, then I could play maybe 1-2 maps before I got BSOD.
So what have I tried?
After i unabled HD audio i started gettin error messages insted of BSOD.
error1 error2 (PICTURES)So I thought there most be something with the memory so I tried the /bcdedit thingy. No help there.
Graphic drivers are the latest. Could double check the MSi motherboards drivers but I doubt thats the problem.
Had this game for 5 moths now and I finally got a new computer. The only diffrens now is that all my other games are working better...
Hopefully can someone bring some feedback. try run it and post screens.....
@ramielo wrote:i have a problem with my gigabyte gtx560 ti oc, i ´did like u sead nothing changed it still crashing
did you tried reinstall a vga drivers use those from nvidia that suitable with bf3 also did you red nvidia guide
dont use this if you have 64 bits