Camera Pigeon gadget in Battlefield 1 CTE
Does anyone know about this Camera Pigeon gadget?
I read about it yesterday on the Battlefield 1 fandom site:
The Camera Pigeon is a cut gadget that was to be introduced in the Battlefield 1: Apocalypse expansion for the Scout kit. Initially tested in the Community Test Environment, it allowed players to fly a carrier pigeon around the map and spot enemy players. Once spotted, enemy players would be highlighted similar to the Trench Periscope. The pigeon can be shot down by enemy players. Due to balancing issues with spotting players, it was ultimately cut from the expansion.
I think Dice got the idea from here:
Pigeon photography
Pigeon photography is an aerial photography technique invented in 1907 by the German apothecary Julius Neubronner, who also used pigeons to deliver medications. A homing pigeon was fitted with an aluminium breast harness to which a lightweight time-delayed miniature camera could be attached. Initially, the military potential of pigeon photography for aerial reconnaissance appeared interesting. Battlefield tests in World War I provided encouraging results, but the ancillary technology of mobile dovecotes for messenger pigeons had the greatest impact. Owing to the rapid development of aviation during the war, military interest in pigeon photography faded and Neubronner abandoned his experiments.
These screenshots show Camera Pigeon gadget in Battlefield 1 CTE (Community Test Environment).
Why didn't this gadget appear later in the BF1 game?