4 months ago
i want my old soldier back
i think i join to some server hacked in BF3 PSN and all my soldier is reset achievement and equipment and kills all gone after that i have new soldier i played until rank 117 but i was before rank ...
yes it's same account in playstation 3 but with new soldier , but u know i think the battlefield 3 servers on consel all server shutdown but i want see my old soldier and how it was wonderful
- now i'm PC player and still playing bf3 in pc but i want see my old soldier profile in battlelog .
- now i'm just asking if this will happen or no ...
He is trying to get his stats back @ElliotLH, allegedly the account was reset after joining a modded server on PS3 and his stats were reset. Unfortunately, nothing can be done as I have said.
Best regards,
@danisoff Comment #3 implies that they were on PS3 then moved to PC, due to the "now i'm PC player and still playing bf3 in pc but i want see my old soldier profile in battlelog" bit. Some clarification on their part may be helpful.
Either way, it's not fixable. You're right about that.