Forum Discussion
Its done @LOLGotYerTags ! ;o)
For others needing support for the elevator ride:
Happy to support any Phantom Operative candidates on the PS4/PS5 platforms.
Have all tags, so just let me know when and where.
Make sure you are all dressed up for the party, with Phantom soldier camo, weapon camo and dog tags.
Keep a note at hand with the bow room code you need to enter.
And lets go riding in the elevator together! ;o)
- 4 years ago
I'd like to participate. I have the bow, camo and phantom prospect, trainee, intitiate as well as the phantom program tag.
What do I need to show up and when. I only am available in the mornings east coast time 8:30 to 10;30 mon-sunday I play on the ps4.
Thanks .
- 4 years ago
which dog tags are required?
- 4 years ago@CyberDyme yeah I need to finish this
- 4 years ago
hey django ,
How about meeting up with your phantom camo and a final stand tag other than Hammerhead either this Sat or Sunday 8:30 - 10:30 am New york city eastern time
- 4 years ago
@django1364 wrote:
@CyberDymeyeah I need to finish thisHi @django1364 ,
Please send me a private message if you do not want to share your PSN name here in public.
We can then connect direct while in the game together. 👍 - 3 years ago@django1364 me2
- 4 years ago
Hey are you still available I've got all final stand dogtags as well
- 4 years ago
Jack , do you need to get into the elevator? If so i only have hammerhead tag so you will need to equip another plus your phantom camo. I'll be playing next , tomorrow 6/20 around 8:30 New York time if that helps. Other wise try contacting Cyberdyme from this forum posting . He and his friends all helped me.
- 4 years ago
i am trying to do the phantom missions on xb1 and all the information i have found are from when it originally came out can you tell me how to start it in 2021
- 3 years ago@CyberDymeName i need your help my Nick and M3T4TRON_760
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