Forum Discussion
200 kills and 50 headshots with it. 👍
will it count if you have already done it?
- 4 years ago
@fbsketcher wrote:will it count if you have already done it?
Hi @fbsketcher ,
Not exactly sure with your question here, on what is to be counted?
But yes, if you have already completed the Phantom Operative program, then you can still help others to get down to the bow room in Hangar21, as you count always as minimum one Phantom Dog Tag participant if you have equipped your soldier with it.
Even better, when you have fully completed the Phantom Operative program, you can also equip your soldier with both of the Phantom Program Graduates dog tags, and they combined will count as two tags. Hence why I can help you down into the bow room, even if we are only 3 players in total.
Hope that helps to explain.
You see the double Phantom tags here, both left and right:
- 4 years ago
Congrats @fbsketcher ,
Happy that we succeeded getting you to the Phantom Bow room today in Hangar21.
Hope you enjoyed the elevator ride and the special experience as Phantom Operative! ;o)
- 4 years ago
Yes it was great !!!!1 Now do youwant to stand still and let me shoot you in the head 50 times? hahahahaha
- 4 years ago
Hahahaha no @fbsketcher ,
I was happy to help you down in the bow room for initiating your final Phantom Operative program and assignment, but the killing of enemies with the bow is best done and earned in real live gameplay!
- 4 years ago
Just kidding on that . I'm half way on the headshots and have 45 kills so far. But on my phantom dog tag I have nearly a 1000 . Too bad i didnt get the operative mission a long time ago.
- 10 months ago
How about now is this still a active topic because i need the last assignment on Xbox gt Ty13r3000
- 10 months ago
@81455c48a616ed1bYes, it is absolutely still active! This thread is several years old but is still watched.
So what exactly are you needing? Thank you for leaving your Platform and Gamer#. Do you need help with dog tags, or do you need people for the elevator? If you do have tags, which do you have?
I'm on Xbox, too, @ OmegaKnight7773. - 10 months ago
I need people for the elevator an i have all four of the final stand dog tags
- danisoff10 months agoHero
- 8 months ago
Hi i need people for the elevator hangar 21 i am on pc i have all 4 dog tags
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