Why do you assume that people automatically understand? What you are doing is preventing us from retaining any value from a purchase in hopes of making people buy games many times rather than being able to share. i.e. I get over a game and buy the newest edition, would rather not waste the old one that I never play. I could give it to someone who WOULD play it, enjoy it, and possibly be convinced of buying the newest version as well. Now you could have a new customer based on a game that was going to be totally wasted. Instead, smart people can see your system as a capitalistic attempt to maximize profits at the expensive of customer service and appreitation. You have every right to make that choice as a business, and you will also try to market as always being PERFECT for customers, but in this specific case, your actions suggest capital over the interest of your consumer. I would like to understand why you think this is in the best interest of your company in the long run...