I tell you my experience with the game and the problems it is giving according to my last two weeks of playing. I'm not a regular player of battlefield but I like to get 100% of the trophies of the games I play so, since I already had a trophy I decided to try platinum and I found all the problems you mentioned in this forum. I have all the trophies minus 4. I need the 500,000 points as a player (I will have about 465,000) and the trophy to exploit the five stations with the plane. That trophy is not what I'm trying to do since I do not want to play it and that the trophy does not come out because of the bugs that are there. The other two trophies that I need I have already achieved but I do not jump. I lack the 100,000 points with each class, which I already have but it happens to me as you do, it does not appear. Also to capture 10 flags on the frontline. The few days that the frontline mode was available on the mercury map, I got more than 20 flags but it never jumped the trophy. Without threshing, despite thinking that the trophies were all with bugs or glitches, this week I have achieved the trophies to kill 10 enemies with secondary weapon, as well as the trophy to run over 5 enemies. I think these are working for having done it on the same server. I also got the globbertroter trophy following the advice of a player that gave a "solution" to get this trophy and was to play all the conquest maps without leaving the server (get into a part of conquest and make the journey for all maps playing all the games). Honestly it was a slow and boring process but as I still need points for the trophy of 500,000 points I thought it would be a good method to get the globetrotting trophy while getting xp for the elite trophy. As I told you, the globetrotting trophy using the method that I explained if it worked but I discovered that after all the games played (the 10 maps of conquest) and have made more than 80,000-100,000 points between all the games played that afternoon followed to make the globetrotting trophy, the XP earned had not been added or updated. Today I went back to play a test game, pointing the points I had before starting the game to see if they were added, and I verified that the statistics are not updated and the XP gained me so I decided to stop playing until that they fix it since to play without that they add the gained xp is nonsense.
@EA_Blueberry Its the solution of this problems near to arrive to the players?
Pd; Sorry for my English but I,am from Spain and my English is not very good. Hope all te people who read this understand what I,m saying. Thanks everybody!!!