Custom Playbook missing plays
Product: EA SPORTS™ College Football 25
Platform:Xbox Series X
Please specify your platform model. Microsoft Xbox Series X
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? SheriffBart5311
Date/time issue occurred Since launch
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
Which mode has this happened in? Dynasty
Summarize your bug My Custom Offensive Playbook has 220 total plays, well below the 500 max. But, only 157 show when playing Dynasty or even Play Now. I've tried deleting plays, adding plays, resaving, etc. But, all the plays in my Custom Playbook never show. I don't see any pattern of formation or set or recency - certain plays just never show. I've noticed the default Play Type "Special"( Punts, Clock Management, etc) is listed as having 51 plays, when it actually only has 19 (the default playbooks only list 19). So, I think it's mis-classifying plays as "Special" plays so they don't show up. Attaching a pix of the Special play count to show that it is way off and may be part of the issue. See attached pix of Custom Playbook listing 51 "Special" plays but there really are only 19 (punts, field goals, etc).
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Create a Custom Offensive Playbook and you will see a great number of your plays never are available when you actually try to use the playbook. Also, it defaults to saying there are 51 "Special" plays (Punts, Clock Management, etc) when there are actually only 19. So, I think it's misclassifying some formations/plays as "Special" so they don't show up under Offense, but they also don't show up under Special.
What happens when the bug occurs? Your entire Custom Offensive Playbook is not available to you, even if you are well under the 500 play max.
What do you expect to see? All the plays in my Custom Offensive Playbook.
My Custom Offensive Playbook has 220 total plays, well below the 500 max. But, only 157 show when playing Dynasty or even Play Now. I've tried deleting plays, adding plays, resaving, etc. But, all the plays in my Custom Playbook never show. I don't see any pattern of formation or set or recency - certain plays just never show. I've noticed the default Play Type "Special"( Punts, Clock Management, etc) is listed as having 51 plays, when it actually only has 19 (the default playbooks only list 19). So, I think it's mis-classifying plays as "Special" plays so they don't show up. Attaching a pix of the Special play count to show that it is way off and may be part of the issue. See attached pix of Custom Playbook listing 51 "Special" plays but there really are only 19 (punts, field goals, etc).