Yea this is actually intentional by ea. As you recall a few years ago that ea implemented "overdrive" to their match making which limits a players success. As they stated they attempt to keep each and every player at around a 50% in order to promote fairness.
While some of you will either find this to not be possible and think why would ea do this?
Well its simple, ea knows the die hards who play the most will spend the most, we can all agree that is true , correct?
Now if die hards are able to actually win, progress and make their team progess then they wont spend money so ea prevents our progression in 2 ways.
1. They intentionally cause playoffs and national championship games to freeze at an alarming rate. Its so bad that you WILL NOT make it through playoffs and a national championship, you just wont. ( but look at the leaderboards how does someone have 70+ wins in a row then? they are ip booting players )
2. The higher the league you are in the better your opponents AI will play, it changes difficulty based on your success. The only reason they do it is to once again limit the progression of players.
Glad I could clear this up for everyone.