Forum Discussion
7 Replies
Additionally I can't get more than 1 custom layer to appear in the builder for the field so I can't even "manually" do this with manual uploads. This has been an issue in both Chrome and MS EDGE. The other annoyance here is I cannot put my own logo on the 20/25 yd lines. I have to manually spend layers to get those on the field.
Yep lmao such a pain
- @TGCRequiem11 Check out the workaround here for the custom layer bug:
Open up a image editor (even paint would work for this). Add the text you want to apply to endzones/uniforms. Save (without a background). Import as a logo into teambuilder. apply to jersey.. You can do a lot more than you think you can.
See below for a field I created just last night. Notice the 3 tiered striping, and the text. Both of those are created in a free editing app I found on google and then saved and imported.
what app??
- @MeesterCHRlS Yeah I tried creating the endzone in Paint but the png file won't import to team builder for some reason. I haven't had much time to play with it otherwise.
- @BuckeyefaninMI Thanks, this workaround worked for me.
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