8 months ago
I successfully submitted my created team, with zero errors. Prior to creating and submitting, I ensured PS5 was off to ensure I wasn’t logged into EA in acct in game. Logged out of web EA, turned PS5 on, went into game, straight to download/share. Searched up my created team utilizing all names and locations relevant to my team, zero results. Also, after exhausting search, I went to “my sharings,” still ZERO RESULTS. What else should I try.
fixed: my ea acct has 2 accounts linked to PSN. My son was the 1st acct, so I searched up his ea account (not mine) in the downloads and boom, the team I created (under my ea acct)was there in my shared.
- @Trident133 You do it here on EA.
Go here - https://www.ea.com/
Make sure you're logged in then click on your "account".
Click "account settings"
From there scroll to bottom where it says "connections"
100% confirm you have the proper PSN account linked. Good luck.