Forum Discussion
Same issue for me with logos I created. My team is not based on any real team and the logos were my creation still getting the check your helmet error. My guess is it is server overload as my window spins at compositing uniforms for a good while before I get the error.
- 8 months ago
FYI when I remove all logos from the helmet and jersey it submitted fine. The same logos were on the field, the pants, and the actual team, so not sure what’s up.
- 8 months ago
Seems to maybe be fixed, at least for some. I was able to re-add my logos to helmets and Jerseys and get them to import today. Now if I could just get my import team to be located in the correct place and not in Alabama I'd be good to go fro my dynasty.
- 8 months ago
Same issue for me lads. Glad you figured it out castor. I also have nothing vulgar on my logos and can't advance. Such a shame, my uniforms look fantastic.
- 7 months ago
I have No logos at all and still getting the same error message.
- 7 months ago@MRTNovaRich It's been down all day today.
- 7 months ago
I have no logos on any part of the uniform and I’m still getting the error
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