Team builder is near terrible.
The architecture looks like 3/4 different people wokerd on it without talking to each other.
There are more slots for pants (pants?!?) than jerseys...
No generic stadiums,
Few (very few) font numbers to choose from and most of them are similar to each other or really ugly that you cannot figure out wich team can waer it.
Even CFB14 allowed you to put your team song for entrance ad TD....
No team presentation: if you let me choose a stadium between an existing one... let me choose a team presentation between a real team presentation/entrance!
Let me choose how many players have on the team.
Let me choose their names.
Let me usr players in more of one position (offense or defense)
Let me choose between less "faces" but draw them better: most of the faces are ugly or pretty similar.
List thoose faces with some logic: do not jump from one facd type to another, first the bald ones, than long hairec, the blondes, the brown haired and so on...
Let me import a roster from a file.
Thera are so many things to change...
I don't think is fair that the web site is still a beta after so many months and so many game sold!