@RyanW_3529 wrote:
Outside of various issues w/ Teambuilder not even working for some (me included), after it finally started working for me, I noticed a few things digging in that we really need that could make Teambuilder so much better.
For starters, it's cool we have the 3 brands, as well as multiple jersey/pant styles to choose from. Though, it baffles me how we don't have Jordan brand when there's schools that have it.
Here's a few things that I feel would give us more control and give us the opportunity to create many more unique uniforms, w/out having to heavily rely on custom layers, but also having that mix to complement each other.
Jersey Styles
• Jordan Brand
• Uniform Sets from past
Not quite sure y Jordan wasn't an option for uniforms since Michigan is least 1 team that wears the brand for their uniform.
I miss the days of 14 Teambuilder when u could actually create jersey styles. We had more generic options like we currently have but could also get wild and create uniform styles like those sweet U of Miami from the 2010s. There were many dif styles to select from, so we should have those available to us as well. More so, having the current jersey, but being given these pieces as selectable so we aren't tied down to the design as a whole and can't choose other options. Say I wanna have the Hurricane 2010 style, w/ the Vapor Touch uniform, and add sleeve striping, I can.
Custom Layers/Custom Logos
• More than 10 logos per team
• Layers go under assets
• More than 5 layers for jerseys
Right now, we r given 10 logos for each team. For some, that might be enough, but the issue becomes, the more uniforms u create, the more flexibility u need to make each uniform unique or have slight variants. Not only uniforms, but we also need these designs to create our fields. This means a good bit of time, that won't be enough. Doubling the amount to 20 should more than be suffice.
This is a weird one. Some custom layers go over the assets (selectable options), some don't. My solution is this, custom layers should go under ALL assets, but the assets must be selected and on the uniform in order for the custom layers to be underneath. What this means is if u have a cuff selected, the layer will NEVER go overtop the cuff. If u don't have cuff set to NONE, the layer will engulf the entire sleeve.
Not sure y the most important part of the uniform has the least number of custom layers. Helmets have 7, and pants have 11. 5 isn't nearly enough to create a jersey when u want to create something unique. Especially when u've got to have a layer for basically each side or front and back. I'd give a min of 10, better would be near 15 custom layers to make better looking jerseys. I'd throw 10 on the helmet as well, just so they all have nearly equal amounts.
Assets/Adding Assets
• More collars
• More cuffs
• More shoulder/chest stripes
• Fix pants stripes
• Add Sleeve, side panel, and shoulders to assets
- Now Idk if this is b/c it is beta (I hope so) or if it is something else, but we severely lack in the department of the assets. We need WAY more than what we have. Custom layers help, but to not be so reliant on this, we need the assets to relieve some of the layer intake, especially since jerseys only have 5 layers.
Currently only Nike has collars, even then, 2 of the 3 stitch designs even have those, which only gives us 2 dif ones. UA and Adidas have none at all. I wanna see every jersey have this option, as well as bring back options to have like 2 and 3 colored collars. It's boring having no, or 1 colored collar, even when the 2nd Nike collar has a tag that's changeable, it's not the same. I want be able to do collars like the 2010s Patriots for instance.
Again, not many options. There are 3 options for Nike, which thankfully all 3 jerseys can use. UA has 1 cuff for all 6 of their jerseys. Lastly, Adidas doesn't have any for their 2 jerseys. Ik w/ the way the jerseys r designed these days, u hardly need cuffs, but it'd be nice to have some more options, or any option at all for Adidas's case.
There's literally like no options for Shoulder/Chest striping. Of the 3 Nike designs, only 1 has use of the lone shoulder stripe. 1 of the 6 UA have use of the lone chest stripe. And both the Adidas stiches have the lone shoulder stripe. My issue here, once again, OPTIONS. The shoulder striping alone for Nike should have a distance option as the Jets r bringing back their classic jersey which has the shoulder stripes right on top of the sleeves, whereas the current shoulder option is like the Patriots, LSU, etc. Just use of Nike alone w/ what they did in the NFL should account for any and all available options for Teambuilder. Having the ability of UA to color the shoulders ala the XFL teams Renegades or the Roughnecks would be GREAT!
As of now, some paints stripes w/ 3 color options all have a blackened outline. I believe the change to the 3rd color is for stitching, but there's always a black outline that never changes color, and the issue here is, they make u not wanna use them if u don't want or have black in the design. I made an alt jersey for one of my teams where I wanted just the light blue and white, the black I was fine w/ in the other uniforms since it was part of the logo. But this particular design I wanted no black, and I had to go and remove the striping I used b/c it had that black outline. Now if I want the striping, I need to create a logo to use for it.
Going back to not only striping, but even make it just an asset or a selectable option to change the color or shoulders sleeves. Currently if u wanna change sleeve color, u need to have a logo. Allowing us to either just change the color as an asset (see sleeve, cuff, collar as an asset), or add it as a sleeve option makes it so that's 1 less logo tied up into the team that could be used somewhere else w/ our current 10 logo limit. *See some of the XFL/USFL jerseys, believe even some colleges do this. Same goes for the shoulders. Either make it an asset to recolor or make it an option to the Jersey Design asset. *See XFL/USFL jerseys, or 2010s Bills. Also, if we wanna create side panels for jerseys, we need to use up 4 custom layers b/c 1 layer gets cut off at the seam of the side of the jersey and disappears, so u need to have 2 to make a side panel. Having this as an asset or somehow create an option for it is needed. What do I mean by side panel? I'm talking about how the jersey is 1 color, but then the side is a dif color. To view what I mean, take a look at the 2010s Patriots away jersey. While the jersey was white, the side was navy w/ red piping. This would be another thing to take jerseys to the next level and continue to make a further reach for not creating the same jersey twice.
Mirroring Options
• Allow us to mirror sleeves, pants, like helmet
Currently if u wanna add a team logo or a sleeve logo to a team, u need to use 2 custom layers. Only time u don't is if u edit the EA logo, which only works if u have striping or a sleeve design or logo that doesn't need mirroring. Making sleeves and pant legs like the helmets allows us to do what we need to do on sleeves, and custom layer striping for pants, freeing up the use of 1 custom layer in those situations. And w/ only 5 jersey layers, that would make a huge difference. And if u dk what I mean, the helmet has the EA logo on it as well. When u edit the logo, u can take any layer there, and hit the mirror option to flip it just like a helmet logo would be, making it look exactly like the other side. Usually, a jersey sleeve is the same way, where the left sleeve mirrors the right sleeve, so makes sense for this to be an option here. same w/ any pant stripes that r being used.
• Metallic Flake
• Pearlescent
• Fabric
Having metal flake and pearlescent material for helmets especial would be a nice touch. The Patriots use a metallic flake giving their helmets that extra shine, and The NDSU Bison have a bit of a pearlescent look in their helmet. We need these options to create more accurate teams, as well as even cooler custom teams.
For the fabric material, I specifically want this for the jersey and pants options for custom layers. Right now, we have glassy, matte, satin, and chrome. All while cool and useful, sometimes a sublimated look would be nice, especially for any uniforms that have a gradient, or some of design in the uniform itself, even for sleeves and striping. None of the materials currently give off the look where the custom layer actually looks like actual fabric, matching the entire look of the uniform, as each material has a variant on look, and shade changing of the colors. To 100% match the shades and giving it that feel of the look of the jersey or pant, we need a fabric material. Unfortunately, they r noticeable on the change in material by its shine, and yes even matte has a bit of a shine to is, whereas the fabric has none. I want to avoid that in some cases.
• Add a text layer
• Add more text options
We have no text option for names in Teambuilder. While yes, it is nice to have the ability to use custom layers for the jersey text, once again, w/ 10 logos, and only 5 layers for the jersey, that's 1 unnecessary layer that gets used that otherwise wouldn't if we had a text layer option.
Of course, w/ wanting text layer option, it goes hand in hand w/ the addition of more text. Nike only has 4 text options, a whopping 23 number options (which some of those could have the text option added). UA has 2 text options, 10 number options (again some of those could have the text option added). Adidas has 2 text options, 14 number options (some of which I'd def love to have the text option for). Regardless, we need many many more text options for all these brands, in order to continue to create unique uniforms. If we don't think any of the text w/ a HUGE upgrade in options, go ahead and use a custom text at that point. Ik personally I'd do a mix, and that's a lot of what this thread is about, using the best of both worlds by combining a vast array of Teambuilder options, w/ all the custom tools at our disposal.
Save Image
It'd be nice to be able to right click on the pieces, helmet, jersey, and pants, and save them as an image through the site. Right now u gotta screenshot it, which make u have to do extra work to clear the background, but having a way to right click and save as a png image saves time when trying to get shots of our uniforms to showcase to ppl, hoping they like the teams, and wanna DL them. Especially since u wont have to edit out a background, it woukd just be an image of the helmet, jersey, and pants. All it needs to be is clear, which wouldn't be an issue, make them like a 1024x1024 square or something like that, Any small resizing/editing after that could be done.
A bonus thing I'd like to talk about is the fields. I'm not quite sure y we have a 2ndary logo option for the field, if we can't use the logos we upload to add to the 20 or 25. Only workaround for this is to use the custom layers. but the 2ndary logos r already perfectly sized and matching the size of them isn't the easiest. That also takes up 2 of the 5 layers u have available which is totally unnecessary
All in all, Teambuilder is decent for what we currently have. It is still nice and useful, but it'd be worlds better w/ the addition of everything here, as well as more options in general that takes the load off on almost solely relying on custom layers, especially when we don't have nearly enough of those layers to do w/e we want, and generic options could help take that load off. I've made some really cool uniforms w/ the strict 5 layer limit on jerseys, but I've also had to make a lot of sacrifices at times for the lack of layers and generic options. I'm hoping it is currently in this state just b/c it's beta, and Ik we have heard that * these brands makes updates or new uniforms, we will get those options, but we desperately need more, and I hope we get what we deserve.
• Character limit increase
• Use of & symbol
Something I had on my mind and forgot to actually add here was the Hometown name. Not sure y we only have a 14 character limit for that, but I think it's dumb, especially considering the Stadium name has a much larger limit, FYI one of my stadiums is name Lou Santalucia III Memeorial Stadium. We for sure need a higher character limit, I literally can't fit Williamsport A&M as a team name.
Which brings me to my next gripe, we SHOULD be able to have use of the "&" symbol for team names. There's gotta be a way around this for us to use it so hopefully it gets figured out. Especially when I can literally use emotes as a stadium name, seriously, I have a stadium called ❌️Mayhem❌️ Field. Make that make sense.
I'd like to edit my players hometowns/home States as well. If I want to have all my players be from Minnesota or North Dakota I should have that option.