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ValonAKM's avatar
2 years ago

Error with Steam and game, content missing

Hello guys, I have a question, unfortunately Steam couldn't help me with this, I bought C&C Remastered on Steam, I've achieved all the achievements except for 2, I have a problem with one of the two, it's the achievement:

30. Red Alert Historian
- Unlock all Red Alert bonus gallery content

An error occurred with this achievement on Steam, in the game itself I got 86/86 in the bonus gallery, but Steam only counted 85/86.
I've already tried to replay everything again, but I can't get any more bonus galleries because I already have them...
how can I solve the problem ? because Steam claims that it is a bug with the game and not Steam's that I should contact the developers.
Can anyone help me? Are there any other options? Because I did everything on Hard, it would be a shame if it was all in vain

thanks for the help, if anyone have an Idea, I also uploaded a photo and a video so you can see what is meant

in German

Hallo Leute, ich habe eine Frage, Steam konnte mir dabei leider nicht weiterhelfen, ich habe C&C Remastered auf Steam gekauft, habe alle Errungenschaften erreicht bis auf 2, bei einer von den beiden hab ich ein Problem, unzwar ist es die Errungenschaft: 

30. Alarmstufe-Rot-Historiker
- Schalten Sie alle Inhalte der Bonusgalerie von Alarmstufe Rot frei

bei dieser Errungenschaft auf Steam, ist ein Fehler aufgetreten, im Spiel selber habe ich 86/86 in der Bonusgalerie, Steam jedoch hat nur 85/86 gezählt.
Ich habe auch schon versucht alles nochmal neu zu spielen, aber ich bekomme keine weitere Bonusgalerie mehr, weil ich sie ja schon habe....
wie kann ich das Problem lösen ? weil Steam behauptet, dass es ein Fehler des Spiels sei und nicht das von Steam, ich solle mich an die Entwickler wenden.
Kann mir irgendjemand helfen ? hat man da noch andere Optionen ? weil ich alles auf Schwer geschafft habe, wäre es schade, wenn alles umsonst gewesen ist

ich habe auch ein foto und ein video hochgeladen, damit man sieht was gemeint ist, danke für eure hilfe.

  • @ValonAKM 

    It's a common problem, yea. Some issue with the steam synchronising. There are lots of threads about it on the Steam forums.

    Basically the problem is that something goes wrong when synchronising the achievement with the Valve server, meaning you don't get it, and since your game progress is already saved as you having all the requirements, even if you finish a mission of the affected series again, it'll never try giving you the achievement again, and the issue doesn't get fixed.

    The solution is to temporarily remove the file containing your game progress, and then load one of your savegames from the mission series and finish the mission, so it's checked on the actual servers again, and gives the achievement as intended. After that you can restore the progress file and play on normally.
    Usually this bug desynchronizes the amount of finished missions, but in your case, any mission that unlocks bonus gallery content should do the job.

    Here's a full guide on how to fix it:

    Personally I'd just move the settings file out of the folder onto your desktop or something; using the Recycle Bin for that seems a bit scary.

4 Replies

  • @ValonAKM 

    It's a common problem, yea. Some issue with the steam synchronising. There are lots of threads about it on the Steam forums.

    Basically the problem is that something goes wrong when synchronising the achievement with the Valve server, meaning you don't get it, and since your game progress is already saved as you having all the requirements, even if you finish a mission of the affected series again, it'll never try giving you the achievement again, and the issue doesn't get fixed.

    The solution is to temporarily remove the file containing your game progress, and then load one of your savegames from the mission series and finish the mission, so it's checked on the actual servers again, and gives the achievement as intended. After that you can restore the progress file and play on normally.
    Usually this bug desynchronizes the amount of finished missions, but in your case, any mission that unlocks bonus gallery content should do the job.

    Here's a full guide on how to fix it:

    Personally I'd just move the settings file out of the folder onto your desktop or something; using the Recycle Bin for that seems a bit scary.

  • @Nyerguds Thank you man! 🙂


    ... Steam simply claims that this is not their own problem, even though it is obviously a Steam problem....simply claiming that it is an issue of the developers....very weak from Steam. I can even remember that day when I had these syncro problems...really stupid...that it doesn't update with the current game data...thank you for your detailed answer and the link, very nice of you <3 wish you the best <3
  • @Nyerguds

    Cool, it worked and it wasn't as difficult as I thought, it's a real shame that Steam itself just puts the blame on others... thanks for your great help, it worked! really great! 🙂


  • Nyerguds's avatar
    2 years ago

    @ValonAKM Glad you figured it out 🙂

    I think the problem is mainly in how these progress-achievements are transmitted to Steam; instead of transmitting your current progress, Steam just receives a message to "add 1 to the current progress", so such a system is indeed Steam's fault, since it forces games to keep track of it separately from Steam.

    On the other hand, if there are functions for the games to check the steam progress, then yes, they could build in safeties against such desynchronising. So it's entirely possible it's indeed poorly implemented in the C&C Remaster.

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