My Units Die After A Minute In Red Alert 2 (C&C TFD)
I found my copy of C&C TFD and wanted to play red alert 2 again
after like a minute or so all of my units just die
ive double checked my cd key everything is correct
my disc isnt scratched
anyone know why this is happening?
I recently ran into the same problem. It's because Red Alert 2 uses SafeDisc DRM. Microsoft removed support for this from Windows 8 onwards due to potential security issues.
You can try installing SafeDiscShim - it didn't work for me but you might have more luck. I was trying to play from my old, original Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge discs from around the time of initial release. As you're using TFD discs maybe you'll have more luck. Worth a go at least.
Just to note, if it doesn't work and you want to uninstall SafeDiscShim you can find it in Add/Remove Programs and uninstall it from there.
If it doesn't work for you there is something else you can try, but it's not recommended so do so at your won risk - you can restore the SafeDisc driver support in Windows. Given that it was removed as a potential security vulnerability however then it's entirely on your own head if you do it. I'm not aware that anyone has ever exploited it, but that doesn't mean it can't happen in the future so consider yourself warned. Google for how to do it if you want to go down that road.
Hope you get it sorted as the alternatives are giving EA more money for a game you already own, or going down a darker, less-legal route that might leave you open to all sorts of malware etc.
Good luck friend!