What are you all thinking???? This is just stupid!
A pre Alpha game in any platform of gaming is always wipe. The point of this Alpha is to test the game balance and alter changes to make the game fun,balanced,and find any glitches and bugs.
I do not want to have high ranks when launched to the world. I will not be able to play new players, I will always be matched with players inside Alpha. I tested and spent stupidly in Alpha knowing it should be wiped. I am sorry to the hardcore gamer's who spend countless hours on grinding but for what purpose???? That's right to find the bugs and balance the matches and test the units in different styles of battles.
This does not fall short of EA fails in the last few years of doing stupid moves.
Again PRE ALPHA is for testing purposes not actual game play to keep your stuff, if this is not Alpha then please rephrase the beta opening to "Open Beta" the right way.
To all the cry babies wanting to keep there stuff because you have no life's to grind 20 hours a day to have advantages over everyone else. Shameful you can call yourselves gamer's.