Dragon Age II unauthorized DLC
Been looking everywhere, but all of the solutions I can find are unavailable or don't apply (no Bioware registration site exists anymore, Dragon Age 1&2 servers are down and out forever so I can't log in to my account in-game, I didn't buy the game on Steam or on disc).
I have Dragon Age II Ultimate Edition, purchased from EA (Origin, later tried installing via the new EA App) a few weeks ago and all but The Black Emporium show up as unauthorized. I am thus unable to access any other DLC content. I cannot authorize them via logging in to my EA account in-game, as the servers have permanently been taken down. I cannot link the DLC to my account via Bioware's website, as it doesn't exist today.
Have tried uninstalling and installing again via both the legacy Origin App and the new EA app. Have tried rebooting my pc between installs. Even tried downloading the very old installers for each DLC, but those complained that I don't have the game installed (incorrect, I did have the game installed when I attempted. Bizarre).
And just to be clear, all of the DLC showed up as installed in Origin App and now on the new EA app and they all show up in-game in the main menu, under Downloadable Content. But they remain unauthorized, save for the Black Emporium for whatever reason.
Don't much care about the item packs and the like, I'm mostly concerned with being locked out of all of the narrative DLCs and that hurts my simple brain especially since I'm planning on doing the whole Dragon Age Keep song and dance for my current DA1 and DA2 run to export to Inquisition (and eventually to Dreadwolf, should that game make use of the Keep)
Did not have any trouble with Dragon Age: Origin DLC, all was enabled in-game.
I'll take whatever ideas anyone might have, thank you.
Well aren't I the Maker's special little idiot, turns out that one can still log in to one's EA account in-game despite the servers being down. I thought I had tried that, but apparently I can't even type my password correctly. Naturally succeeding at this task fixed everything. Well at least it's not like my shame is for all to see forever on this here forum... wait...