[EA app] Dragon Age Inquisition Won't Launch Get Error With DLC
I have a question maybe one of you can help me with as I cant seem to find it on google or other forums, and ive tried customer service and they kept telling me to clear my cache and reboot the pc. Which I did multiple times and it didnt work.
I bought DAI on EA app. Then when I went to buy the DLCS , EA app doesnt have it. It has nothing and hasnt had anything for the DLCS for almost 4 years from what ive seen online.
So I went to steam and bought DAI: Game of the year edition instead to have the complete set. Every DLC is obviously included.
I then, deleted my save game from the EA app. Uninstalled the EA game version, and removed the folder on my pc. THEN I re-installed the game on the steam app all dlcs are checked marked included. Booted up a new game, but the app logo says DAI and doesn't have the game of year edition titled or logo on it. and when i try to boot a new game? It tells me i dont have any DLCS installed and I have to install them, that I need to update to latest patch of the game (which i did already)
I cleared my game cache, I cleared my pc cache, I reinstalled and repaired my game and app, i checked the integrity of the files on steam too. I rebooted the pc, and still have the same result. its not recognizing my DLCS.