Can't install Dragon Age Inquisition through EA Play on PS4/5
I just signed up for EA Play so that I could play Inquisition on my PS5, but I can't find any way to install the game. DA:I is listed on the EA Play playlist under the Playstation section in the signup page ( , and there is no record of its removal on the list of removals here ( Surely I am just missing something. Is there a specific version of the game I need to search for?Can’t Unlink Dragon Age Inquisition Tapestry Account from Defunct Email.
I made a tapestry account back in college years ago and I never got around to playing it. I recently played through two and origins and now I’m trying to upload a tapestry I made recently, but I can’t link it to my Xbox because the email previously used is inaccessible to me. Chat Help hasn’t been helpful and I can’t create a new ticket. Any ideas people? I can try to just play the game without Tapestry, but i don’t want to miss out on a unique experience.Dragon Age Keep
After just finishing Veilguard, I want to access Inquisition and play with my custom world state in a new game. However Dragon Age Keep doesn’t seem to be importing world states at all. I’ve done the “uncheckmark” all Options under accounts directly in the game. I have imported my custom world countless times on the website but it still won’t access it in the game. It only shows default world state. Prior to Veilguard I was able to import my custom world state on Xbox series X but I’m trying to play it on my PS5 and now even Xbox series x can’t seem to find it. I know this discussion has already been dropped on here but it’s been about a week with no updates on twitter or on the forums. thank you!281Views2likes3CommentsInquisition world state import not working (PS4)
Playing through the franchise, Origins and 2 on PC, Inquisition on PS4 because my laptop can't run it. So far: PSN linked to EA no problems, double checked account names, it's all good All choices set in Keep No other world states, just this one Keep marks export as successful First time trying to play Inquisition, no other save files or anything, game and all DLC installed fine, all completely new Inquisition connects to servers no problem All account options enabled in game Now I know that what is SUPPOSED to happen is the moment I open a new game, on the race select screen, there's a little pop up that tells you the world state was successfully imported, and the world state select screen will display "default" no matter what, but I never got the import pop up when starting a new game. I did search older messages boards for help and many PS4 players had the same problem but the latest I could find was 2022, which claimed it had since been resolved. Again, everything else is working as intended, no account issues, no internet issues, no hardware issues and nothing wrong with Keep export, it is specifically Keep import that does not work, or maybe it is working fine I am just not getting the pop up for some reason? The game is currently reinstalling to see if that will do anything, any insights appreciated in the meantime.440Views0likes7CommentsDragon Age Origins Constant Crashes on Windows 11.
Hello I have been unable to play Dragon Age origins ever since upgrading my laptop to a new one with windows 11. I can load the game and select to start a new character or resume a save, but once out of character creation, the game begins to use a lot of memory causing it to crash always. I am not very technically minded, so I have no idea how to fix this. I have tried compatability mode, but even that does not help. It is my favourite Dragon Age game and I miss being able to play it. I brought it years ago on steam and have never had a problem till now. This seems to be a major issue, as steam discussions has so many posts and guides with regards to this. Trouble is when you are not very techno savvy like myself, it can be very bewildering and confusing working out what the guides are telling me to do. Carrying out said instructions when you are me, is a disaster waiting to happen. Seeing as EA took over Bioware, maybe EA should try and patch this so all Dragon age players can still continue to enjoy this epic game. One idea would be to remaster Dragon Age Origins so it will work on newer pc's and laptops with ease. I would definitely buy it remastered, if it meant I could play it without constant crashing and eating memory.[PC] Dragon Age Unauthorized DLC Error After Launch
Hello, Thedas! PC players may encounter an error that says something similar to the "Unauthorized DLC", or your DLC does not show up within the game after being installed and therefore are not able to load a save, or play the downloaded content. Below are the most common reasons and steps to help resolve these errors and get you back into the game! Causes Corrupted install of DLC (happens quite often) EA account had an EA Play subscription which has now expired A different EA account logged in and downloaded the DLC Your account does not have the proper entitlements to download the DLC You can test this out by performing the following on one of the DLC folders, or delete all folders. Navigate to C:\Program Files\EA Games (Or your respective install location) Delete ALL DLC folders with the games "addin" folder I also suggest deleting the metadata folder as well if it does not delete You can find a list of which folders belong to each DLC Here! Folder Locations DA:O: C:\Program Files\EA Games\Dragon Age\addins DA II: C:\Program Files\EA Games\Dragon Age II\addins Once all folders have been deleted, you will perform the following steps. These are optional steps but they do help in resolving the issue. Delete Windows Temp Files First, make sure you close as many programs as you can Press the Windows key + R, go into the file explorer Type in %temp%, and hit Enter Delete everything it allows you to delete Reboot the PC Optional Registry clean-up install CCleaner (it's free) from here Run Registry cleaner Click review selected issues Do you want to back up? No Click Fix all selected issues Finally Make sure the EA app and Steam are closed. Press the Windows key and "R" at the same time. Type or copy and paste "%ProgramData%\Electronic Arts\EA Services" (without the quotes) into the new Window > ENTER Delete all files within this folder. Once all the steps above have been performed, log back into the platform you play the game through, repair the game, and install the DLC. Note: If you are using Steam to play one of these titles, the EA Help article for Legacy DLC players can download is ONLY used for Steam installs. All EA app installs will download DLC within the Manage Add-ons in the EA app! Cheers!143Views0likes0Comments