Forum Discussion
Hey, can you restart with a Clean Boot and see if that has any effect? If it does, please try turning on your programs gradually to see where the culprit is.
If it has no effect, I'll ask you to wipe your settings file, hopefully it'll be fine after a reset.
Delete the ProfileOptions_profile file at My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age Inquisition\Save then start back up the game.
- Anonymous11 years ago
The clean boot didn't help and deleting that file didn't help. ☹️
If flashes from the window into fullscreen and then back into the window about 4 or 5 times before it settles on the window. The resolution it's supposed to be set at is 1366x768, but the window it's displaying it in is smaller (which is odd). If I maximise the window (which I can do) I cannot move my mouse below the top of the bottom bar.
Also, every time I edit a setting it does the little flash betwen screens things.
Turning it into windowed fullscreen did fix it. But that's sort of only a temperary fix. x_x
Edit: I've noticed something new. I probably wasn't noticing it before with the game not running in full screen, but when I open it the game is not opening as the window on top. Instead it is starting behind. Regardless of whether I'm on the desktop or have chrome running I have to alt-tab into the game, or click on the icon on the bottom bar. It doesn't start as the main window.
- 11 years ago
I realized that most of these situations are happened on the laptop with GTX 800M graphic card such as 860M or 880M. I am using 860M and I met the same problem now. I have already report it to the NVIDIA and they said they were looking into it.
- Anonymous11 years ago
I am still having this problem. I can only run in windowed-fullscreen but not fullscreen.
I am using NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX880M 4GB GDDR5 VRAM so please help.
- Anonymous11 years ago
Was hoping that this update would fix this.
Really, this was the only thing I was REALLY hoping for. Disappointed.
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