Forum Discussion
This is NOT a solution - they did not mix up the names - the full screen window is a borderless window - its not real full screen. The mouse is not locked out, you cannot lower the resolution below the desktop setting, etc.
I have this same problem on one of two IDENTICAL Lenovo laptops (one for work, one for home). One works fine (the work one sadly), the other refused to run full screen correctly. I have compared settings and details on both - I cannot find a difference that would cause one to function normally and the other to not. Ugh.
- Popular applications with Overlay features include: X-Fire, Windows Blinds, Ventrilo, Teamspeak, Teamviewer
1. Press and hold the Windows key and the letter R on your keyboard
2. You will see a Run box in the lower-left corner of your screen
3. Type dxdiag in the text field
4. Click OK
5. If your computer has a 64-bit version of Windows, click the button Run 64-bit DXDIAG (see screenshot below)
6. If your computer has a 32-bit version of Windows, that button will not be available
7. Click the Save All Information button, found on the bottom of the DXDIAG report
8. Save this text file to your Desktop if possible
9. Open the text file, select all the text inside (Ctrl + A) and copy it (Ctrl +C).
10. Go to, paste the contents of your DXDiag inside (Ctrl+V) and click Save on the webpage (Ctrl+S).
11. Copy the link of the page in your post, along with a precise description of your issue.
- 11 years ago
hI ! it's my dxdiag :
- Anonymous11 years ago
my dxdiag
- Anonymous11 years ago
it's my dxdiag :
- 11 years ago
It's definitely not only the 860M (either version), what irks me is that the affected systems are all from reasonably new manufacturers and their gaming lines (MSI, Asus, Lenovo), not self-built or DIY small form-factor kit computers. Surely the hundreds of thousands of systems that have this problem in common warrants some communication between EA/Bioware and Nvidia in order to either issue a game patch or working driver because it's not as if we who own these systems can take a wrench to the computer and swap out the card.
I also reject the notion that overlays (of which Origin is one, and it's quite beneficial to have active in-game for multiplayer), other programs, Windows settings and so on, are the problem. The common denominator points towards how the system reports available resolutions and screen modes to DirectX itself. It's worth pointing out that several other next-generation DirectX 11 titles such as Assassin's Creed: Unity have the same issues which furthers the suspicion that it's an issue with the driver, DirectX itself, how the game communicates with the driver, or a combination thereof.
The biggest problem as I see it regarding Dragon Age: Inquisition is that the game currently will not obey resolution settings in Windowed Fullscreen. While I can play quite well in Windowed Fullscreen because I have a native 1920x1080 resolution, those who have UHD displays at 1440p or above, are stuck with that resolution, which surely is so demanding that their experience becomes lackluster. Other titles (again the only one I have direct experience with is Assassin's Creed: Unitly) might only work in Windowed Fullscreen but at a lower resolution with upscaling, which at least alleviates some of the load on the GPU and makes the game playable.
I must also reiterate that the Windowed Fullscreen-option is not a perfect solution even for those of us with "only" native 1080p because of the performance issues inherent with Windowed Fullscreen mode itself, plus the speciic problems with mouse cursor capture in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Edit: Spelling.
- Anonymous11 years ago
Here's my DxDiag:
I'm not running any overlay software other than Origin (as another user pointed out is HORRIBLE on a 4K screen, btw). Steam is installed but not running. I don't know if Windows 8.1 has some hidden overlay softwar running.
- 11 years ago
- 11 years ago
Here's my DxDiag. Having the same problem as everyone else. When it starts, it flickers between a small window and full screen and then stays at the small window. If I switch to "Windowed Full Screen" it fills the screen but the resolution is not right and the benchmark is lower than what it should be (only around 30 fps). Nvidia GeForce Experience is also unable to Optimize the settings, which I assume is related to this problem. My laptop is an ASUS N550JK with a GTX 850M graphics card.
Thank you. Hope you can patch this soon. I won't be playing the game till then. I would rather wait than have be disappointed by the visual quality.
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