11 years ago
Patch for ps3/360?
Just woundering if last gen will get a patch to fix some of the bugs such as texture popin, hair and beards looking very dodgy and framerate (there may be more these are just ones ive seen. A lot ...
Between graphic issues, frame rate drops, random game freezes around ~1 hour marks I'm really regretting spending $80+shipping on this game. Had I known it was going to be this horrible on PS3 I would have held off for several months to upgrade my mac and run bootcamp 😞
I get it, PS3/360 are older consoles and I can't except all the bells and whistles that PC/xone/PS4 players have but this is horrible performance overall.
This is a joke seriously, still reviews for this version so EA is still getting people to buy it by showing offj ust next gen and going "ohh dont worry last gen is just as good" this.... THING.... should be recalled!
A patch is definitely needed for the older consoles. Some of the graphics look like they're from an N64, it is ridiculous. I paid full price for this game, I shouldn't tossed aside because of the console I own.
Hate to say it.. But it seems they had no intention of people playing it on the last gen consoles.. I'm still waiting for something other than them trying to say it's my internet or my save files which both are fine.. Seems like waiting for a patch is the only way console players will be able to play again.. 10 hrs in when I first got it and liked the game but now can't even play it..
@Ritelgold wrote:I get it, PS3/360 are older consoles and I can't except all the bells and whistles that PC/xone/PS4 players have but this is horrible performance overall.
If the PS4 was a few years old I would agree, but, it only just made a year since it's release. There is no way that they can think that they can just stop making decent games for PS3 so soon. The PS3 is still a really great system and able to handle most of the bells and whistles.
That's exactly how I see it, I'll just be holding off play DA:I until I hear word of a PS3 patch because having the game lock up on me every hour of game play + the other issues isn't worth my time. /sigh
Seems like we`ll have to make ourselfs heard in order to even get an answer from EA though, the ps3/360 versions have really been swept under the rug.