11 years ago
Patch for ps3/360?
Just woundering if last gen will get a patch to fix some of the bugs such as texture popin, hair and beards looking very dodgy and framerate (there may be more these are just ones ive seen. A lot ...
I am not sure if this bug has been mentioned already, but I am playing on 360, and after recruiting Sera and Viv I notice that I am having horrible loading problems while trying to change equipment. I didn't notice this when I only had 4 characters (Herald, Varric, Cass, Solas), but adding just 2 more characters has caused such slowdown that when I switch characters the new character doesn't show up in the equip. screen right away, I need to wait for it to very very slowly load the character, I'm concerned that this is just going to get worse since I still have more characters to recruit.
Aside for that I have had a blackscreen crash, and also an issue where Cass disappeared during the Red Jenny mission, when I switched to the character she was in a strange box that looked like an upside down version from where everyone else was. It fixed itself when I entered a different area. And of course I have the issue with the horrible facial hair that looks like it was drawn on with a magic marker, and terrible glare on the too shiny hair that makes the hair look like snow fell on it, or perhaps bird poo. ; )
Anyway, aside from that I love the game so far, but wanted to give my 2 cents, since 360/PS3 players paid the same amount for their game, it is disappointing that the performance is so much worse.
If anyone has twitter can you send the list of errors to that bioware guy? Then he can see what weve found, somone just saying "yeah we`ll look into it" doesnt fill me with confidence though.
This thread needs to be pinned somehow.
On my digital ps3 version, a character can take up to 5 seconds to load in the inventory screen. It's been that way since the start of the game.