11 years ago
Patch for ps3/360?
Just woundering if last gen will get a patch to fix some of the bugs such as texture popin, hair and beards looking very dodgy and framerate (there may be more these are just ones ive seen. A lot ...
I have also had weird and frankly distracting issues with this game (ps3), I'm going to list them so people know, and so I can feel a bit better maybe 😉
In the opening scene, after you see the breach for the first time, as cassandra leads you through the village, the villagers are wearing blotches, not clothing. You can tell its not loading the textures properly, and then, after she finishes speaking and moves out of frame, they show a wood pole for like a minute before moving onto the next scene.
Another issue with casandra, when I'm talking to her in haven, and shes training with a wooden dummy, theres a point where the camera switches to a view of the dummy, when its clearly supposed to be focused on cassandra. then it zooms in THROUGH the dummy!
If I talk to varric in haven, I can get him to do squats the whole conversation. This happens if you talk to him when hes next to the little campfire he hangs out around, I guess the game thinks hes on a stair or something and then realizes he isnt, so he just... does squats while talking about putting his brother in an insane asylum...
When you go to the hinterlands for the first time and talk to the scout, there was a point where weird vaguely ovoid black shapes randomly flashed across the screen for seemingly no reason. I have no idea why that happened at all.
To be frank, the graphics of this game look like dragon age origins, but worse. I've seen the screenshots, I know what its supposed to look like, and a worse version of origins it is not supposed to look like. I understand that it cant be as good looking on the ps3 as it is on the ps4, but even if it only looked like dragon age 2 I would be happy. I cant even play the game, the graphics bugs are so distracting I can't enjoy the story.