11 years ago
Patch for ps3/360?
Just woundering if last gen will get a patch to fix some of the bugs such as texture popin, hair and beards looking very dodgy and framerate (there may be more these are just ones ive seen. A lot ...
Mike Laidlaw has tweeted that they will be patching and that they are investigating issues. However I wonder how much they will patch, there is just so many problems. I don't think the game should have gone for gold yet, not for last gen since the game seems to be more close to beta level.
@Pandapro123 wrote:Mike Laidlaw has tweeted that they will be patching and that they are investigating issues. However I wonder how much they will patch, there is just so many problems. I don't think the game should have gone for gold yet, not for last gen since the game seems to be more close to beta level.
I hate sounding like a negative nancy, but if they do patch it anytime soon, it'll be a patch that will only or largely benefit PC users and possibly next gen users. The game was designed and made for the PC above all else, so unfortunately they're going to be given priority. I still can't believe that the first time they mention patches coming out, they specifically acknowledge the PC community. That was a bit of a shock to me, I didn't expect to see blatant favoritism. I'm sure that at that point, everyone on all platforms were having some major issues 😕mileyindifferent:
Actually what I have observed game plays quite well with majority of PS4 and Xbox One players. There is some bugs but they aren't as game breaking as for old gen. I don't know anymore what to think about the favoritism, it's clear that they are thinking of PC players most. They however have particularly promised patch for old gen too but I think they will take a look for PC issues first. Which is quite sad for old gen players since we have most problems (and we don't have much fixes for them unlike PC players already have had graphic card updates and other advices).