11 years ago
Patch for ps3/360?
Just woundering if last gen will get a patch to fix some of the bugs such as texture popin, hair and beards looking very dodgy and framerate (there may be more these are just ones ive seen. A lot ...
Playing on 360 and most of my issues have been minor, but they seem to be getting worse the longer I play. I'm having the occasional audio glitch where the dialogue is sped up and you can't understand it.
More annoying, in cutscenes it's getting hung up after certain dialogue lines and just sitting there. Sometimes I can press X to skip but sometimes that doesn't work. I'm missing big chunks of the cutscenes this way.
Finally in one thing that just started, when I open the action wheel by pressing the left shoulder button, now I can't select anything from that menu. So I can't heal or call my mount or anything.
Seriously PATCH. Love the game, but this is just ridiculous. I can't afford a PS4 (wouldn't get an XBOne) and I can't afford to rebuy this game.
The Xbox one need a Patch also