So far I am enjoying the game and story very interesting. I've been lucky with some bugs and I try to stay safe with multiple saves. I'm on the 360 currently and these are the problems I've had;
1st time entering Val Royeaux no sound played from characters(I was lucky to have a save before and reloaded it and it worked.) Many texture pop-ups. Screen going to black (I pressed start and it brought me back to the game). Character's texture especially the eyebrows and facial hair it never pops in especially with Cullen his face is so smooth it could be a coffee table. When I talk to characters in the dialogue wheel I can barely hear them and have to spin the camera around to get some sound. During cut scenes dialogue loops while it continues this can be a mess to hear with two characters talking at once or a character repeating what they said while saying something else at the same time a mess to hear. What's the deal with no scars on the character creator?!?! Other than this I'm enjoying the story but was hoping for something better in the texture department. If you compare this to GTA 5 or Mass Effect 3 textures its lacking. I'm glad that this forum is up for those players on last gen who are having problems hopefully all of our problems will be addressed soon.