Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
11 years ago

physxloader.dll file missing from Dragon Age Origin install, game wont play

Spent 8 hours downloading this game, then when I try to run it says physxloader.dll file is missing.

Uninstalled and reinstalling now, if it happens again, how do I fix it?

40 Replies

  • The clean reboot, install, repair does not work for me.

    When I attempt to load the Nvidia driver, Nvidia says I have a newer version and aborts the install.

    Any other ideas?

  • Anonymous's avatar
    11 years ago


    Found solution that worked for me, have AMD GPU´s but got that message still.

    I think problem is the Origin launcher that does something odd, that gives this error :>

    >>Go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age\bin_ship"

    >>Launch "DAOriginsConfig.exe" and then configure settings.

         I adjusted only "Video tab" :>

    >>Then copy "daorigins.exe" and paste shortcut to desktop for easy access later

         or launch game directly with "daorigins.exe".

    If using Nvidia GPUs I would recommend test with latest drivers and run exe like above before trying older versions again.

    If still having issues after that I would use "Display Driver Uninstaller" to get an proper driver install.

    I always use this to install new drivers, when I change number of GPU´s, when adding new GPU´s,

    and when swapping from AMD to NVidia or other way around. Helps avoiding issues 🙂

  • Anonymous's avatar
    11 years ago

    mate your a legend 

  • margo74's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    11 years ago

    worked perfect kintai thanks very much

  • Why do I have to go through all of this for something that i paid? Can you work on this problem and realease a patch or something? After all, you are EA, huge corp. I think that you can afford this!

  • Anonymous's avatar
    9 years ago
    I had this problem with da origins and me 2 and 3 i have an intel 4400 graphics card so i just went to my storage and deleted any nvidea files which must have been added with a game download hope this helps anyone with this problem
  • miichikun's avatar
    5 years ago

    Можно запустить от имени администратора. У меня получилось только так)

  • EA_Shepard's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    2 years ago

    Hey Everyone, 

    This thread is a bit old so it is being locked down.

    If you run into this error, please post your info on this link

    This will give us a better idea on tracking and reporting the issue(s).

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