Re: Dragon Age Keep - Tutorials & How To
Although they might not be mentioned in our release updates, we’re aware of these issues and are working on resolving them.
Dragon Age Inquisition Tapestry & Heroes
- Some DA:I and DA:I DLC tiles may not unlock correctly after completing the game. These can be manually unlocked by using the spoiler toggles (globe menu>gear icon).
- Users who created DA:I heroes while not connected to an EA (Origin) account may see default hero names and not the custom names they entered during character creation.
- DA:I playthroughs do not display the same custom heroes as used when importing world states into the game, and will show default heroes instead.
- Users with very large counts of heroes may encounter timeouts on loading the site.
ISS (Interactive Story Summary)
- Music can stop playing on ISS if launched repeatedly in Internet Explorer.
- Some devices may trigger a crash when playing the ISS. Examples include the iPhone 4S or earlier, Nexus 10 tablets, and gen 1 iPad minis.
- You cannot view the ISS on some devices, including PS4, or Safari with incognito windows. For more, please see the list of unsupported browsers.
- The ISS may halt during playback on some devices/browsers.
Specific to a Certain Device/Browser/OS
- Users may not be able to access all world states or the option to create new world states on some mobile devices. Please use another device to do this, if required. For more information, please see the list of supported browsers.
- Windows 10/Edge browsers may have difficulty swiping the tapestry.
- There may be issues with easily closing displayed modals on mobile devices – click on the right-hand edge to help with this.
- On Android phones, you sometimes can’t swipe between world states after closing modals in landscape mode.
- Some devices may display their selection of peek menu items slightly out of alignment with the visual elements. Items can be selected by tapping carefully on the edges of the buttons.
Syncing, Sharing, and World States
- Users with very large numbers of playthroughs or heroes may have trouble loading the site. Loading a saved game from DA:I should help correct this issue.
- It’s possible to create invalid World States by locking unapproved choices.
- Deleting playthroughs may cause only one page of results to be shown afterwards when on mobile. This should be fixed by a page refresh.
Hero and Career Sections
- Achievements manually unlocked are not included when re-syncing.
- Custom DA:O and DA2 heroes from playthroughs may show as default heroes. However, all data for them other than name should be correct, and they can be re-selected if desired.
- Deleting multiple DA:I heroes will throw an error. This can be fixed by refreshing the page after each deletion.
- Not all custom heroes show up during hero selection.
- Career unlock data doesn’t show up for all EA (Origin) accounts or personas.
- Custom DA:I heroes may appear with default names in the 'Heroes' section instead of custom ones if you were not connected to your EA (Origin) account when you created the character.
Tapestry and Miscellaneous
- Some DA:I tiles may not correctly unlock based on events played in DA:I.
- You may encounter audio playback stopping while navigating the site. Refreshing the page may restart it.
- Muting a user you are friends with will remove them from your friends list.
- You may be unable to access some parts of the site if you have noscript, Adblock, or similar tools enabled.
If you find any bugs or know of an issue not on this list, please let us know on Twitter @dragonagekeep.