Had the same problem tonight and solved it after 2 hours.
I did a few things to sort out the problem, but I'm not sure if it was the whole combination that solves it. I think it was one thing that worked for me.
But anyway, I'll list all my actions:
1. Play in a window. Not full screen.
2. Scaling the game. Upscale Quality - Balance.
3. Set all image quality to “Low”.
(I did all of this before going to step 4)
4. Close the game. Restart the computer.
5. Open the game through the .exe file, which is located in the folder with the game.
Thats it. Run the game. It doesn't matter which save. I had the save where Solas starts talking. I loaded that save, ran to the bug, and everything worked.
I hope some of this helps you solve the bug.