Bug: Armor reset to common. Previously unlocked perks locked
When I exited the game yesterday, the black screen that usually comes up in a window that usually goes away in a second or so didn't go away for several minutes, so I had to force close.
I loaded my game up today and was shocked and surprised to see that my all my level 3 armors perks for Rook were locked out. I was under the impression that I had previously unlocked them.
It seems that all the armor, but not the helms have been reset to common?
Other characters seem unaffected
I have tried reloading previous saves, they are all affected. I have checked the integrity of the Steam game files and restarted my computer.
I'm not sure what to do, does this just affect the current armor, or will it affect all future armor?
If checking the integrity of the game doesn't fix it, or loading previous saves, do I have to find all traces of the game, remove them and reinstall?