DirectX Error - "Dx12Renderer::waitOnSwapChain Gpu timeout detected"
What is your EA ID or Console ID (PSN ID/Gamertag)?
What platform are you playing on? - PC Windows 11
What is happening? (and what do you expect to happen instead?) On my PC, when I leave Veilguard on Pause to do something else on my computer, at least half the time when I return to Veilguard, I find the game did a CTD, with the following error message:
DirectX function "Dx12Renderer::waitOnSwapChain Gpu timeout detected" failed with DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG ("The GPU will not respond to more commands"). GPU: "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650, Driver;: 56094. This error is usually caused by the graphics driver crashing; try installing the latest drivers. GPUBreadcrums:
I have checked, and I already have the latest graphic drivers.
This same error is reported on Battlefield 2042 at
Does this happen in a specific area of the game? - No
Please share any steps you've tried so far to resolve the issue: I have checked the status of my video drivers.
If on PC, please share a DxDiag file and an EA app Error ID Number: 51212cdb-d722-4be5-859e-e760b0416d73