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efafcfc354124dc8's avatar
31 days ago

not my save, and not my character


I am on PC, using the EA, former Origin platform (ea id:efafcfc354124dc8)

continuing my save often sets me back a save/check point, like all enemies are back, but chest are opened.
and my character looks completely different (different skin tone, tattoos, eye colour etc) and theyre bald. and so far it can happen everywhere, i just really annoying when it happens after exploring and opening chest a lot and the game sets me before the last enemy.
i tried reloading my last save again or closing the game. the actual character sometimes appears again after a few cut scenes or going to the mirror and canceling the process.
the issue doesnt produce and error code
maybe its a RAM issue, but i have the minimun specs of 16 GB

  • i actually had hoped that after two updates the issue would be fixed, but now it takes me legitimately 1 (ONE) hour to start the game with hair and the right face. often i dont bother for fighting and walking around but cut scenes should have the character i made. not even my inquisitor looked like himself.
    When i know there will be a cut scene I load a different character i dont play and load back, if that not works, i quit the game, wait a bit and start it again. also i delete auto saves. rinse and repeat until i have hair.
    unfortunately now the game hits me with this:

    at this point i can forget playing the game cause i wasted enough time.
    i really love playing the game but its a fight to actually get to the part were i can play...

  • edit: going to the mirror does nothing now, the character looks right in the mirror menu but in the game different


  • Shantra's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I am having the same problem with my character, EVERY time I load in, I have to go back to the lighthouse to the mirror to hopefully get my character's look back. And I think because we leave the erea that we were in (ie: the forest etc) that makes everything we just killed respawn.

  • Yashaiii's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Unfortunately, the spawn point aspect of your issue seems to just be a game feature. From what I understand, "manual save" is misleading. "Manual saves" actually just create a manual copy of the last autosave the game made on your behalf, and when out exploring in the world, your autosave will spawn you at the place where it last autosaved, or at the last beacon you visited. The character appearance though is a bug, and one that was supposedly fixed in the first patch. I'm experiencing the same one and I know how frustrating it can be, sorry you're dealing with it too. Sometimes reloading the save a few times gets your character appearance back, other times you have to go to the mirror to "reset" it to your custom appearance, and still other times you have to create your character all over again. I'd recommend taking screenshots of the sliders/customization information in the mirror as a backup until this bug is hopefully fixed 😔

    • efafcfc354124dc8's avatar
      New Novice

      thanks for answering
      with the save i have figured out and i try to leave the game next to a beacon, so i dont get confused where i suddenly am.
      with the appearance though, in the mirror or even the character screen its fine, its just in-game + cut scenes. and the inquisitor cant be redone, in the cut scene i was just WHO DIS??

      its like solas suddenly has hair in the flashback but my character doesnt, HE STOLE IT

  • so because i couldnt access any of my saves, i made a new character, then there was an update, hoping finally the bugs are fixed, but now the game looks like this:

    (basically instead of having NOT my character, im having not even a screen)