Forum Discussion
I wish someone had the perfect idea to FIRE you and whoever came up with the idea to force this garbage in our throats (i wouldn't be surprised if it was you) WITHOUT an option to opt out of it!
These are OUR computers you're dealing with here, not yours! WE decide if we want your trash app on our systems, not you! If we want to use Origin to play your games, we will!
This wouldn't've happened if you ACTUALLY BOTHERED to release the app when it was ACTUALLY READY, not when it was STILL IN BETA riddled with bugs!
I will be ignoring you if you refuse to listen to our demands like a complete idiot! Then again, you're EA... Electronic Atrocities!
Hey @XenithXenaku if you want your feedback to be heard then I'd suggest posting it in a manner that is not rude and abusive.
We pass all feedback on so long as it's polite and constructive, yours is neither and is not something that we will be passing on in any way to the team.
If you cannot post on AHQ without being rude and abusive then we'd ask that you not post on our forums.
- 2 years ago
@EA_Darko wrote:Hey @XenithXenaku if you want your feedback to be heard then I'd suggest posting it in a manner that is not rude and abusive.
Okay, fine!
Then listen to the negative backlash of other people using the app, then we wouldn't have to be rude to you. It's your company's fault for releasing the app broken in the first place, so people are naturally angry about it.It's because they have several issues with it, such as:
1. They liked Origin for a reason as it was perfectly fine the way it was... and they could use it offline, unlike the glitchy-as-hell EA App.
2. They don't like new things that are practically forced on them without a way to opt out of it especially if it's broken, as i previously mentioned before.
3. Really...? No way to use it offline? Even for single player games like The Sims franchise?! I mean, I get it if it was for online multiplayer games like Battlefield... but some people don't even play those games.
4. Issues with mods not working with the EA App, as they were working completely fine with Origin.
5. Problems with games disappearing from our library!
6. Older games randomly disappearing from the store...
7. The Sims 3: Create a World Tool being incompatible with the EA App, when it was working fine with, again... Origin.
8. Finally, the overall bugginess of the EA App.
It's gotten to the point that some users uninstalled the EA App and reinstalled Origin and enabled the "migration-disabled" tag in the local.xml file because they were getting tired of the App crashing all the time.
Sorry, but until those eight issues I listed above are fixed, I won't be touching the EA App and keep using Origin instead.
Seriously, people are starting to miss that program now and I hope you understand why.
I'm more than willing to trust you, but you need to earn our trust with the EA App first... and that disastrous launch didn't help with that at all.
And this is me trying to be kinder than the last post i made.
- 2 years ago
How did you get back to Origin? Thanks.
- 2 years ago
It is funny that they do not like the abuse, but have continued to dish it out for 5 months and continue to use the crAPP even though they know it is is sh17-show. At what point does accepting that abuse become Stockholm Syndrome? 2 years of beatings? I think that this crAPP needed at least 2 more years of development before they did anything with it. I only play 1 EA game (sims 4) and it will be my last EA game. EVER.
- 2 years ago
Hello, I just wanted to let you know that the EA app will not let me play offline and it also won’t update or install the packs for the sims 4, it’s in a constant state of “loading” but it never really loads anything. I understand that a lot of people are having this problem and many more and that it obviously won’t be fixed right away but I was just wondering if any of this feedback is getting to higher management and when we can expect to be able to play our games again? Because currently I cannot play the sims 4 which is upsetting since I had preordered the new expansion pack growing together and was really looking forward to playing it!
- 2 years ago
Seems nobody understands how the EA app works, it's been fine ever since I've updated and updates have been absolutely fine or updating
If anything I'd say you guys need to better your skills with technology no offense.
But it's probably your computers like the manager guy said since it's only you guys having these "issues". Also, doesn't help if you come bombarding in
From a Youtube influencers video to put pressure on EA that just makes it harder on them lol.
- 2 years ago@AlexYamchi Don't be gaslighting people, please. We are having real issues, including creators with high-end machines who know their computers and ways around games inside and out. This isn't an "us" problem, it's a faulty app problem.
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