Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
7 months ago

Can't Post in Stories

I have not been able to post my updates in stories. I keep getting a message I've exceeded my maximum and to try again later. At least the update I was trying to post is there. (if I hit reply on the last published update, that is.)  It has been suggested to me, that if I used codes-links at all, that those could be the problem. I used them three times. Twice in What Happened In Your Game Today?, thread, to let other players know I had posted updates to my story, (in Creative Corner and then a third one in WHIYGT? to let them know I had gone back to Creative Corner, since I wasn't able to find my own posts.  Oi! 

My intention was to remove the code-links on those three posts, hoping this would clear the problem. However, I scrolled through the WHIYGT? thread and they appear to be hopelessly buried. I'm at my wit's end. I am now posting over at Sim Creatives. I will pop over here now and again, just to keep in touch, but I'm really that unhappy with how these threads work. I can't even bring myself to call them forums. More like random Post-it notes in which you're entirely lucky should you stumble across one of your own.

Yes, I understand that this site is still undergoing construction, but a simple pardon our dust, won't cut it for me. They are unusable as things stand.  My updates are stacking up and only being allowed to post one a day, will take a bit of time. And that's when I'm able to publish! So, unless this matter can be cleaned up, I have no other choice when it comes to sharing my stories.

2 Replies

  • Unfortunately it doesn't help, but have a look at this post from the EA forum admis from 2024/08/22:

    An update on the forums. | EA Forums - 4958254

    Post rate limiter: Some folks found themselves temporarily locked down from posting because the system determined they had posted too frequently or recently. The rate at which real humans encountered this was way too frequent. We have eased the parameters on this, and folks shouldn’t feel the sting of this as much. 

    Maybe you have already noticed that post before, since it's already over a week old. I found it accedientially, when I was looking for official news regarding the state of these forums. My apologies if you already know that post.


  • That's all well and good, but when you decide to post your story update, first thing when you log in, and haven't yet posted, but still receive the message you have exceeded the maximum number of posts for the day, it's freaking ridiculous.

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