Can't Post in Stories
I have not been able to post my updates in stories. I keep getting a message I've exceeded my maximum and to try again later. At least the update I was trying to post is there. (if I hit reply on the last published update, that is.) It has been suggested to me, that if I used codes-links at all, that those could be the problem. I used them three times. Twice in What Happened In Your Game Today?, thread, to let other players know I had posted updates to my story, (in Creative Corner and then a third one in WHIYGT? to let them know I had gone back to Creative Corner, since I wasn't able to find my own posts. Oi!
My intention was to remove the code-links on those three posts, hoping this would clear the problem. However, I scrolled through the WHIYGT? thread and they appear to be hopelessly buried. I'm at my wit's end. I am now posting over at Sim Creatives. I will pop over here now and again, just to keep in touch, but I'm really that unhappy with how these threads work. I can't even bring myself to call them forums. More like random Post-it notes in which you're entirely lucky should you stumble across one of your own.
Yes, I understand that this site is still undergoing construction, but a simple pardon our dust, won't cut it for me. They are unusable as things stand. My updates are stacking up and only being allowed to post one a day, will take a bit of time. And that's when I'm able to publish! So, unless this matter can be cleaned up, I have no other choice when it comes to sharing my stories.