Recent Discussions
- 0dggsf6co9m14 hours agoNew Novice2Views0likes0Comments
- kcuc4y1q7ft66 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer5Views0likes1Comment
- kcuc4y1q7ft67 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer2Views0likes0Comments
- kcuc4y1q7ft67 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer1View0likes0Comments
Overall Feedback
Hello everyone! This, more than feedback, is some "tics" I have in some aspects: Swap the Community Hub with the EA Community Discussion and delete it, as EA Community Discussion is inside the hub (this would highlight things inside the hub like guidelines/rules and info even more.) (I saw it has been made, thank you) ✅ Shouldn't this be "More EA Products" instead of only Games? Since it includes Origin for Mac section or, put the Origin for Mac out of it (has been issued as well) ✅Solvedmichibikii3 days agoRising Scout85Views1like3CommentsLog-In Loop
Hi, is this just a new temporary glitch, or is it just at my end? As of this morning, I can't log-in to the EA forums, I get the home page, hit sign in, go to sign in and get the message "authentication unavailable' I've had this before, but can sign in on second go. This time - nope!Jayel-14 days agoSeasoned Ace962Views4likes10CommentsFeedback for Plants vs Zombies section
I have some suggestions for the Plants vs Zombies section: - Make a section for PvZ Heroes, PopCap seems to want to revive the game with its latest update. - Add these to a subsection of Plants vs Zombies 3 instead of being in the main section: - Make proper tags as some categories are lacking them.michibikii5 days agoRising Scout37Views1like0CommentsCan't open EA Forums on some browsers
Is this just me? I have been struggling for days to open EA Forums on my usual internet browser, Microsoft Edge. I've cleared the browser cache, shut down the browser, restarted my laptop but no matter what I do every time I click on a link to open the forum, either from an official EA website, or The Sims Discord, or a link in an internet search I get a blank page and the text 'Internal Server Error'. I also have Google Chrome and AVG Secure Browser internet browsers installed on my laptop and I cannot open EA Forums on Google Chrome either and get the same error message even after clearing the cache etc. The only browser I can access the forum on is AVG Secure Browser, hence being able to login now! Any thoughts or advice as to why I can't open the Forum on Edge or Google browsers, because I'm at a total loss.SolvedJuniperWhimsy5 days agoSeasoned Veteran31Views0likes4CommentsNo page loads, just "Internal Server Error"
Since this morning, anytime I try to visit anything anywhere in these forums normally, I only get a blank page with "Internal Server Error." (It worked fine yesterday, which is the first day I accessed the new forums.) Searching for the problem turns up at least one other person with the problem (thread 1, thread 2), and it seemed to happen when they had some kind of anti-tracking protection enabled. For me, I don't use AVG, but it seems to be related to some extension I have installed, since I can open these pages in an Incognito window (where most extensions are disabled). However, it's not AdBlock or Ghostery, since the forums still won't load with them disabled, and no other extension should be related in any way. I have Do Not Track enabled in Chrome, but that should apply regardless. This is absolutely egregious. There should be nothing I can do on my end that causes EA's site to throw a server error like this. And it certainly shouldn't still be happening months after it was first reported. The issue is happening for me in Chrome v130.0.6723.92 on Windows 11. (No issues on my phone in Chrome for Android v130.0.6723.74 on Android 13.) UPDATE: It's not an extension but something Chrome must otherwise be handling differently between regular and Incognito windows. I fully disabled every single extension from the extension management settings, and still all EA Forums pages only load as "Internal Server Error" in non-Incognito windows.ShotFromGuns5 days agoRising Vanguard81Views0likes9CommentsReplies getting deleted
Hello, I hade few cases on this forums that my replies are getting deleted immediately after replying to someone and i don't know what exactly the reason is. Noting that my reply is not having any attachments or bad words. I hade to shorten my replies so it go through.SolvedVIP-AHMAD-0075 days agoSeasoned Ace34Views0likes3CommentsSo, what's up with these bland profile avatars?
Seriously, EA? After being a member for over 10 years and faithfully purchasing EVERY cockle doodle expansion pack, game pack, and kit, all we get for avatars are these VERY BLAND and boring avatars? We fans deserve more!SolvedDJConnemaraDSM6 days agoRising Ace56Views0likes5CommentsMy avatar keeps disappearing
I’m still having problems with my avatar not staying with what I’ve chosen. Sometimes when I return to the forum I’m a black silhouette again, and sometimes I’m some random character. I chose the avatar I currently have out of the extremely limited options available (I don’t even know what characters these are) as I have only four or five rows of options to choose from. As a Sims player, I want Sims options, but no Sims avatar options appear for me at all. I had a similar issue a while back and it got fixed, but it didn’t last very long. What is the problem here?FreddyFox12346 days agoSeasoned Ace67Views4likes5CommentsMass Effect avatars removed?
Used to have Jack as my avatar before the manteneance they did for a couple of days, and now I can't find her. Did EA removed her permanently or can we expect to have ME avatars again? Cause I'm sorry, but I don't like any of the current ones.SolvedValadenthys7 days agoNew Hotshot85Views3likes11CommentsEA forum profile account avatar won't change
When I changed my ea forum profile account avatar it has not changed anything here on the main forums, its displaying some random toon which i didnt request. Also, I noticed there are only 12 choices of avatar pix, is this correct? Last month there were many more to choose from, why only 12 this month? Im seeing others on the forum with different pix, and they are new to the forum, yet they have more choice of more avitars. Why is that? tldr: Why only 12 avatars to pick from? Why the avatar is not changing on the main EA forum?SolvedEeekey7 days agoSeasoned Ace37Views0likes3Comments