Forum Discussion
This is why I think this forum format was a very deliberate choice. They probably don't want to moderate very long threads anymore, hence a forum format that discourages that. I noticed that this forum is already very slow when loading short threads with about 20 posts and few to none pictures, simply because it always needs to list and re-list all the posts in the Most liked order. With the old forum, all threads would be cached and helped to load pages faster. Slow loading pages and difficulty to follow conversations will, in time, discourage lengthy posts. I see we get notifications about new posts or likes we receive in threads we posted, but there is no way to link back to those posts to see what they are. Whoever thought those are useful must like abuse. Same with the most recent posts list in the right hand panel. 7 seconds ago someone posted something in a thread started by XYZ. How fun, now I can play detective and try find out who posted what and where. I think the format is great for shouting in the wind type of posts, you say what's on your mind, get if off your chest and then forget about it.
Yes, that may be true... just endless mindless snapshots for the brain will be the future, but then I'm gone with the wind. I have no interest in forums like this format.
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