Trios and duos is ruined. You added content that doesn't belong and ruined the joy of this game. Pull your heads out from behind you and move the game back to normal. Absolutely pathetic and for people who created such an amazing game you really screwed up. This game is the one place to escape after log days and you took every ounce of that escape and pissed it away. Get your crap togetherCouple changes I would like
Hi, These new forums are better than AHQ by far. But there are a couple issues and changes I would like to make known. First of all, the way comments are sorted, the “community default” of having them all ignore that they are a reply is kinda bad. It would be much better if it defaulted to “threaded”(I have found the setting to fix this tho) Second of all, a preview button for a post would be fantastic, especially when making bug reports with images. Finally, this one is maybe a bug, my forums name doesn’t match my EA.com name, Lego9Fan[Improvement] Visuals for subanswers
It's ok when we got 1 question = many answers thread it's seems ok because all answers related to the main user who ask the question. But in the discussion some people (as myself) want to comment on other's thoughts or answers and there is no visual distinguish for that exept username tag like @user. Reddit got this with lines connecting replies. Disqus got this in tab / spacing for the subreply. And here just plain text with same position of text making it's hard to concentrate on the reading identifying whos talking to who just only with the @user naming. ThanksRequest to Allow Access to EA Forums for Banned Accounts
Dear EA Support, I recently noticed the new EA Forums, which I find truly impressive and well-designed. However, my account is currently permanently or temporarily banned, which prevents me from registering or participating in discussions on the forums. In the past, I could create and respond to topics on the EA Answers HQ website, but that option is no longer available in the new forums. Therefore, I kindly request that you consider allowing banned accounts to at least participate in the forums to post topics and discuss account-related issues. Currently, my only option is to create a new account to ask for help, which isn’t practical or ideal. I hope you’ll consider this request. Thank you for your time and understandingWill EA go Back to making good games or continue to ignore fans?
For the last decade EA has been taking advantage of us all and I don’t see it changing anytime soon. Madden has been absolutely terrible you’ve been paying 70 dollars for a roster update and since no one else can make an nfl game why would they actually care about making a quality game. Im tired of the same animations constantly for 10 years. UFC 5 sparring system is just terrible the sparring partner could fold Jon jones and khabib at the same time but also it doesn’t teach you anything and the prompts at the bottom half the time don’t even tell you how to do something. SNAP KICKS HOW DO YOU WANT ME TO DO THEM??? WHAT SPARING PARTNERS COME OUT AND HEAD KICK THE GUY WITH A CONTRACT FIGHT COMING UP!!???? Glad college football is back and seems to have more freedom than the nfl game but still the animations get old and why can’t I change the weather and time that seems like an easy fix? Also make a RTG HS AND ALLOW ME TO MAKE A **bleep** SAFETY! just make it like you could in ncaa 14 literally play both sides in high school and pick one in college or let us play both in college. Sims 4 DLCs are way too overpriced. Battlefield has been cheeks. NHL got ruined because they made advanced moves too easy so it took all the skill out of it. The virtual currency in all their games since the introduction of Ultimate team is another reason I don’t see them ever changing they’ll keep selling the same game every year, plus any currency you purchased from the last game is pointless when the new one comes out they’re basically just printing money and giving all of us that love games the finger. Gaming today is in a far worse spot today than we were 15 years ago and it’ll only get worse if we continue to let these big developers get away with producing low quality games.