Forum Discussion
After some days, the new Forum only is makeing me crazy. I find nothing, not everywehre is possible to send a feedback to the Forum. It stops me sending replys, new Threads, PMs and so on ...
No Place for german Simsgamer to inform them, when their Forum will starts, no place to give a feedback in your own language, no place to be heard, if you are not an english spoken Sims gamer. A lot of People I know from german green Forum are very disappointed and confused of the new blue forum.
Why it is so difficult to send Posts, Thread or PM? Why they censored my Nick for greeting as a repeating spam in PMs? Why also in PM I can only read the start post and the last one but not between because also this Feature is spoilerd? The last one is a reply to something in the spoiler and not the start Post. Does EA nothing know about human ways of communication? That's not normal.
Sorry that I'am writing here, but they don't let me do that in other threads 🤪
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