Forum Discussion

atreya33's avatar
7 months ago

The new forum

As someone who has been active on the old forums I would like to share my feedback on this one. My first encounter with this forum was on my mobile because I was on holiday during the switch from the old to the new forum so I wanted to wait for a week or two before making this post.

  1. No avatars: this really hurts. Avatars gave us all faces on the old forum. With the limited selection I now have to share my picture with several others. This leads to confusion because I something think 'there is a reply I made' only to realise it was made by someone else. Not having a unique avatar also makes me feel anonymous. How are other simmers ever going to easily recognise me? On the old forum you had to promote from new member to member to get an avatar and I get that. I don't mind if it is tied to a rank, but that has to be a rank that everyone can reach. Currently only heroes are allowed an avatar, and thus the privilege to build up their own personality on the forum. But the info page about hero ranks also say not everyone can become a hero (which makes sense). But the combination of not everyone being able to become a hero and only heroes getting their own avatar means that some users of this forum will never get access to something that should be a basic feature.
    The heavy focus on 'most liked' posts makes this forum feel like a popularity contest.
    It is difficult to sort posts for long threads. Some discussions have been going for years with hundreds of posts. On the old forum we would automatically be taken to the last unread post and then see the subsequent posts in chronological order. This new forum however sorts by likes on default. You can switch to sort by oldest but can't set it to default. However for long threads setting it to oldest means I have to click 'load more' way too many times. Sorting by newest means I am reading backwards and on an active thread this can also mean clicking  'load more'
    The above point makes this forum not suitable for sharing long stories which is something me and other simmers love to do
    The extensive rank list is confusing. Every single level has new, rising and seasoned added to the title. For the higher ranks adding the word 'new' kind of takes away from the higher ranks. You already have to go searching for the ranks on this forum before you realise a new adventurer is higher than a seasoned traveler. Most users on this forum don't know that list by heart. Adding the word 'new' to high ranks feels confusing and not very intuitive. 
    Sharing a forum with other games: we used to have a forum exclusively for sims and now we are just a small part of a forum for other games. That does take some time to get used to. But why do I get links to other game in 'related posts' when I am on the sims part of the forum. I accidentally stumbled into another game forum. Is it possible to restrict the related posts to the sub forum (game) we are currently browsing
    When creating a new discussion we can select different tags. I miss a tag for discussion (sometimes the purpose of a thread is just talking about the game) and a tag for speculation.
    The version of the site on my mobile doesn't shot a button to add a picture. I sometimes don't get a chance to post a picture when I am on my laptop. I upload them to a photo sharing website and then post them a few hours later. But this forum only shows the add photo option in the desktop version.

I have a feeling that this forum was mainly created for short conversations with very few posts where chronology of posts is unimportant. It also feels more like a popularity contest with the heavy focus on getting likes for your posts, a competition on it's own which distracts from the topic itself.

I want to give this forum a try and really want to make best of it. But the difficulty to read threads chronologically really makes it difficult. That's the part of this forum that needs improvement more than any others.

5 Replies

  • EA_Nils's avatar
    Icon for Community Admin rankCommunity Admin
    6 months ago

    We appreciate you giving the new forums a try.

    One thing to stress from our side - this is a new forum. Yes, we migrated existing forum threads over, but it's still a new place and it will need time to grow and we need to nurture it. There's a lot of things we are testing at the moment, and we are discovering issues that will need to get fixed. That's okay. The Sims forums were over 5 years old, when they originally launched there were also kinks to be ironed out.

    On avatars, as previously communicated we plan to add a lot more avatars for now so that users can better distinguish themselves. 
    Long term, EA is also working on new avatar functionality, once that becomes available we will revisit avatars.

    Our team wants more agency regarding how replies in threads are displayed. We currently cannot change it. That said, we have requested changes, but they will take time. I posted about this previously, from my perspective, the ideal state should look something like this:

    1. For our team: Global setting to set a default.
    2. For our team: Ability to configure an override at board level (e.g. to account for different use cases)
    3. For forum members: User-profile setting to set their own preference (e.g. Use default, oldest first, newest first, by likes)
    4. In thread: To change it on the fly without affecting your default settings.

    On ranks, we appreciate your feedback. Based on our research we did want to provide a ranking structure with more achievable ranks for new forum users and also account for those users that are active but just read and not really post. Instead of creating a ton of ranks where its hard to understand the hierarchy, we settled on using modifiers to help with that.

    Related posts - totally agree with you, we don't like that either. We've asked to get an option added to allow us to constrain to the current area.

    Tags - We are still tuning these. Thanks for your suggestions, we will consider these in our next review round.

    Not being able to post pictures - that seems like a technical issue. Can you take a screenshot on that device, send it to your desktop and post it from there so we can take a look? Ideally include the OS of the device (e.g. iOS or Android).


    Our team wants more agency regarding how replies in threads are displayed. We currently cannot change it. That said, we have requested changes, but they will take time. I posted about this previously, from my perspective, the ideal state should look something like this:

    1. For our team: Global setting to set a default.
    2. For our team: Ability to configure an override at board level (e.g. to account for different use cases)
    3. For forum members: User-profile setting to set their own preference (e.g. Use default, oldest first, newest first, by likes)
    4. In thread: To change it on the fly without affecting your default settings.

    EA_NilsDoes this mean that options for adding page numbers or jumping to (or otherwise indicating) unread posts are not currently being considered?  I'm trying to understand what the plan is for long threads. Should we just avoid making them?

    I understand your post as saying that your ideal is not very different from what we already have and involves just changing the default sorting for some threads/boards and giving users global and local overrides. 

  • EA_Nils's avatar
    Icon for Community Admin rankCommunity Admin
    6 months ago

    Haneul33 That's not what I meant to imply. We are advocating for all valid points raised by the community. We also see the value in pagination, and find the "jump-to-unread" and unread post highlighting in particular as important.

    We are also highlighting that in the current thread layout requiring a click on "Show More" and loading only 10 posts per click is not feasible at all to interact with bigger threads.

    We can't tell you what the exact solution will be and when it will be implemented for each individual point raised, but we understand that the overall experience needs to be improved, especially for big threads.

    Right now anything above 50 replies starts getting challenging, that is not our vision. We want the forum to comfortably be able to handle huge threads with up to 3k replies. For those few mega threads even bigger than that, classic community management practice is to just close and link to a new one to continue, which should be acceptable.

  • Haneul33's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    6 months ago

    I got it now. Thanks for answering my question. 3,000 replies definitely sounds like a decent limit for longer threads. 

    ETA: As an aside, I also experience a glitch where I can't like posts. This happens most often when I'm replying to nested comments. 

  • mikeloeven's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    5 days ago

    The issue is not that we need more avatars but that by removing the ability to use our own you are stealing our voices representation and identity in the most disgusting manner possible. More prebaked cookie cutter avatars wont fix this we need our own avatars back. Sure some people will upload inappropriate content but that's what moderation is for and this makes you look lazy.

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