Forum Discussion

rjssim's avatar
New Scout
3 months ago

This Forum is Horribly Slow

I have a 1.5 GB internet connection, and this forum is still just so horribly slow. It takes like 5 seconds for a topic to load when you click on it. The same thing goes for clicking on the inbox, account icon, etc. This was never an issue with the old Sims forum. I'm sorry guys, but this forum is showing its age not the old Sims forum. I would recommend you taking the old Sims forum out of read-only mode and restoring functionality to it because this is just terrible. Slow, lacking most of the features from the old Sims forum, and I'm sorry, but it's also just visually ugly and much more difficult to navigate. Even the Answer Headquarters forum is better than this.

  • rjssim  I'm actually so pleased to read this. My internet is quite slow at the best of times, so I just assumed that the terrible lag in loading forum pages was down to that. But it seems maybe it's a problem with the forum and not with my internet! That's kind of good news for me . . . except that of course I agree that it can drive you to despair waiting for the forum page to sort itself out so you can actually start reading posts. I'm spending a lot of time looking at blank pages wondering whether they're just in the process of loading (they usually are) or whether I need to reload the page. It's so, so painful. It makes the old forum seem advanced and high-tech. Let's hope that this is just temporary and will improve. Otherwise people will give up coming here.

    • rjssim's avatar
      New Scout

      Yup, it's definitely not your internet connection. It took me like one minute just right now to login, and big delays just loading this post. I wonder who's idea it was to get rid of the old Sim's forum for this mess. They made a terrible mistake. This forum is just abysmal.

      EDIT: I just clicked the like icon on your post, and it didn't work. LOL!

      EDIT 2: Sorry, it did work, but it just took like a few minutes to update!  Also, it took another few minutes to load this post so I could edit it!

  • flauschtrud's avatar
    Rising Adventurer

    I would say I have a decent internet connection, but the site is nonetheless extremely slow for me. So much that I don't want to use it. And I can't think of any other site I use with a worse performance.

    There is so much waiting for notifications to load, posts to load, then load again to sort by newest and then to see that I can't actually find the new answers that I feel no enjoyment using this place.