Forum Discussion

AmaraRena's avatar
New Traveler
3 days ago

What happened to the forums? Hate it!

It's been awhile since I visited the Sims forums and wow do I dislike what they've done. 
1. I can't make my own avatar anymore?
2. The design and layout is hideous. And way too bright! DARK THEME PLEASE!
3. What happened to all the wonderful sub topic forums? Made looking for specific topics so much easier!

Whoever is responsible for this hatchet job... we are not friends. I can already feel the headache coming on from the brightness. If there IS a dark theme PLEASE somebody point me to it!


  • I don't know about a dark theme, but you could possibly turn down the brightness on your computer. Maybe? I also loathe the new forum. And here, I tried to assuage the fears of some other Simmers who were anxious over the switchover. I went from the Sims2 forums to Sims3 then to Sims 4. In my experience it was no big deal, but then again, the format was the same!

    This format is chaotic, at best. It's like leaving random Post-it notes all over the place. I ended up creating a second thread over at Creative Corner, just to keep from making a mess of part two of my ongoing story. Placing the pictures from my computer, over using imjur or some other third-party site, is a nightmare. I play my game on my gaming laptop and transfer them (edited) to imjur so I can take them from there to add to my story updates. I tried using the codes, as another trusted player suggested, but that didn't make me happy, either. I'm thinking I'll try that again, since I've discovered how to center the already placed pictures, which was my main beef.

    I suffer with you.

  • SAEldarin's avatar
    Seasoned Novice

    Right there with you AmaraRena  Navigating these forums is, well, it speaks for itself. I guess the idea is that those of us who knew the old (better) forums will shove off or be gone soon enough so that these forums are just accepted with so very little comparison to the old ones that a lot of us miss. I had heard that "feedback" on these new forums was being solicited, but no matter the feedback given, I'm certain EA will never go back to what was.

    I have explored some unofficial Sims forums and that's a great option (especially for following stories). Even though I am pretty much done with trying to follow posts here, I still get EA's daily and weekly forum updates to keep up with what's going on here (I totally forgot - yes forgot - about the new patch and the new kits). It's not much, but I don't feel as out of the loop as I would having pretty much given up on this new forum otherwise.

    Hopefully, you will find some balance to this new change and figure out what works for you. It's a shame when a change means a step backwards though. And it, to me anyway, shows the company's main interest and area of focus (consolidation but in a way that limits the fanbase).