@SimonDeWit05 wrote:
i found that if you play singleplayer this fixes the issue, but if you play multiplayer it has to be in that specific session. i lost ffb at the qually in comp, reconnected wheel, and in the race i still didnt get ffb so i had to reconnect it for the second time. so the game is unplayable in multiplayer. i also get a weird thing where my game launches but isnt selected in windows or something so if u alt tab you have to select the game first before u can really alt tab. is this also part of the same problem?
If you start another app or use / load an overlay whilst the game is launched but not running this can affect the game in the desktop window manager.
Always launch all other apps and overlays before starting. Some overlays only hook properly if the game is running in fullscreen, despite FSO on/off.
Be interesting to see how many of these are Nvidia versus AMD issues. AMD overlay isn't really required as most things are launched by hotkey if the tray app is running.
FYI I use Afterburner and Steam overlays and neither have any issues despite the received wisdom that somehow disabling the Steam overlay is necessary. Use to use Discord which was most problematic (still not always an issue) but due to declining interest in league racing have dropped use almost completely.
WRT your comment about single vs multiplayer, multiplayer FFB has always been very different to single player (which has largely been robust despite whichever wheel I've used).